I don't kno that code,
but I know some others... (take out *'s to use)
<*div style=*"WIDTH: 681(my change)px; *BORDER-*BOTTOM: #code for color 1px solid; *border-right: #code for color* 1px solid; *border-top: #code 4 color* 1px solid; *border-left: #code 4 color* 1px solid; *background-color: '#code 4 color'*; filter:* alpha(*Opacity=__change to a #--how trans. you want it*, FinishOpacity*=put a # here, *Style= another #...I put 1..^^''*, *StartX=*another # i put 60, *FinishX=another # i put same as prior*, *StartY=*10?change #..., *FinishY=I put 60 again...change da#...); *position:static; left:0px:">
BTW, wuts ur xanga sn?
I mean, if you wana give it out...im not syin you got to...^^'''
If you want to see what the code I gave u look like--its the trans. layout thing on my xanga: