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Gamecast - Episode 46 - "Fight!"

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:26 pm
by Link Antilles
Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Here's our last show of the year and it starts off with a fight between Omega and Nate. Fun times!

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Question to the Audience:

What did you get for Christmas*?
*Game related, that is... unless it involves guns. [/SIZE]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:31 pm
by uc pseudonym
My, that's surprising animosity. Then again, I should allow for the fact that some people have personality types that like to be contentious. Whereas I'm the smile politely and hate forever type.

As far as the question, I guess the answer is nothing. During family reunions I commandeered one of my younger cousins' Gameboys and beat Golden Sun.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:09 pm
by ich1990
"Conflict is the root of all entertainment", so you guys are spot on this episode.

I didn't get any games for Christmas, but I did buy my sister Path of Radiance (which, of course, I stole and am currently playing through). Yah, my family is not much of a early adopter. Also, a brick of .22 ammunition.