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May 10, 2004

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:01 pm
by Rev. Doc
Who Is My Neighbor?

Luke 10:29
"But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, 'And who is my neighbor?'"

Sometimes, recognizing who our neightbor is, those whom the Lord called us to be responsible for, can be a humbling experience.

That great African-American educator Booker T. Washington exemplified the beauty of a humble spirit. One day as Professor Washington was walking to work at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he happened to pass the mansion of a wealthy woman.

The woman, who did not recognize him, called out, "Hey you! Come here! I need some wood chopped!" She was a product of her culture and simply perceived him as a black man who was there to do her bidding. Without a word, Dr. Washington peeled off his jacket, picked up the ax, and went to work. He not only cut a large pile of wood, he also carried the firewood into the house and arranged it neatly.

He had scarcely left when a servant said to the woman, "I guess you didn't recognize him, ma'am, but that was Professor Washington!"

Embarrassed and ashamed, the woman hurried over to Tuskegee Institute to apologize.

The great educator humbly replied: "There's no need to apologize, madam. I'm delighted to do favors for my neighbors!"

Yes, our neighbor can even be those who just never seem to treat us with very much kindness. And yet, Christ compels us to love them in His name.

Prayer: Pray for the heart of a humble servant, and the willingness and openess to be a neighbor to all.

"Dear friends, I am the little servant of an illustrious Master." ~Hudson Taylor

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:10 pm
by Saint Kevin
Thanks for the devotional. Great story.

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:17 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Thank you again, Rev.Doc. ^_^

For Mother's Day I got my new devotional and Bible study book from my husband and the kids. It should last me a while. ^_^ It's The Beloved Disciple, by Beth Moore and the study guide which goes with it; on the life and ministry of John - I've been waiting for this one to come out. *woohoo*