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I need to know how scary…

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:29 pm
by GeneD
Stephen King’s Dark Tower series is. I took out the first book from the library but now I’m not sure if I should read it. I have a very low threshold for scary movies and books; and books are much harder to judge. Is it just like his other horror stories, in which case I definitely won’t read it, or is it more of a fantasy?
I usually stay away from anything I think might get to me. For reference scary/creepy movies I’ve seen are Secret Window (liked), Pitch Black (liked), Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (the Rose Red prequel, didn’t like) Mr Brooks (recently, didn’t like) can’t think of anything else right now. So I just need an idea of how it is, I don’t really want to Google it for fear of spoilers. Also just give me your “fear thresholdâ€

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:54 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I haven't read it but I've heard it's very good. It doesn't hold to any genre - I've heard it's action, adventure, mystery, thriller, horror, fantasy, sci-fi and western all wrapped up in one long epic.
I presume that since it incorporates all of those, that it wouldn't be that scary, but having not read it, I don't know.

I suggest you stay well clear of The Stand then.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:04 pm
by EricTheFred
It's properly a Science Fantasy. It isn't Stephen King horror, it's the less common Stephen King fantasy. He's actually quite good at it.

Naturally, as it is still King, it's still a little tough here and there, but not the way you may be imagining.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:21 am
by rocklobster
I wouldn't say it was scary, but it is good. Be ready for a loooong haul, though.