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Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:27 pm
by AdriTan
What would you do if you could meet you're own personal guardian angel? In this RP you can. Or you can be a guardian angel. Choose either human or angel and pair up! I would prefer to keep to same gender angel and human pairs.

Angel type (Worship, war, peace, or simple messenger)
Appearance (Both normal and in human disguise)


And of course we will need villains.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12 ESV)

PM me if you're interested in being villainous!

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:28 pm
by Ally-Ann
Is there any specific plot besides meeting your guardian angel? And can we play more than one character?


Name: Adeline

Angel type: Peace

Personality: Loving and motherly. Despises evil, and isn't afraid to correct someone who has done wrong.

Appearance: (Angel form)

+Height: 5'5, slim.

+Hair: Rear-length, flowing, sea-green, parted to the side.

+Eyes: White or silver. They possess a calming demeanor.

+Clothes: A long, billowy, white gown, with long, flowing sleeves.

+Wings: Large, feathery wings, which start out light-pink at the base and fade to white after a few inches.

(Human disguise)

*Appears to be 16

+Height: Same

+Hair: Shoulder blade-lenghth, curly, light brown; half pulled back.

+Eyes: Sky blue

+Clothes: White, knee-length sun dress; wears a white cardigan

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:57 pm
by AdriTan
Accepted! I'll post mine later!

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:19 am
by rocklobster
Now this I can get behind! If you let us do more than one I'll post her child. Also, if it's all right with you, I want to be a villain. I'll PM you the villain.
Name: Tamarin
Angel type: peace
Personality: She can be kind, but she doesn't shy away from telling people how she feels. If she feels you need a slap, verbally or physically, she WILL do it. Be warned.
Appearance (Both normal and in human disguise): As an angel, she has wings that come down to her feet. They are white, and their feathers are like prisms. Her eyes are gold and shine with love. She has blue-green hair and catlike ears.
Weapon: She carries a sword forged in the fires of Heaven. If anyone but her even touches it, they are engulfed in flames. She carries this because she was once a warrior, but God decided she would be a better servant as a guardian.

Name: Ki-ree (she has watched over several humans, and she takes the name of the first child she ever watched over.
Personality: She doesn't hide her true self. She is exactly like her angelic side.
Appearance: No cat ears or wings, obviously. She dresses casually and has white hair.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:56 pm
by AdriTan
You may play more than one character. :) But, rocklobster, isn't there a verse in the Bible about how angels don't have spouses and kids? Then again there is also a verse that suggests they might be able with humans.... So can the child be half human? Would that be okay? I'll try not to be too theological if you'd rather the kid still be angel this is just for fun anyway. And yes you may also be a villain. PM me the details :D

Name~ Gweneth (Gwen) Shadow
Personality~ She exibits rather rude and offensive behavior often. Gwen became a Christian when she was young, but through the event of her father's death has grown angry at God. To be a little more blunt, but elegantly, she acts like a *other word for female dog*
Appearance~ Tall and gorgeous, her long blond hair curls naturally and she tans easily without the help of machines and lotions. She has icy hazel eyes and an elegant figure.

I think It'd be funny if she was Tamarin's human. There would be constant slapping! And I'll make another human too for Adeline if no one else shows up soon. I think we need some masculine-ness. Time for a guy angel!

Name~ Midrid
Angel Type~ it'd be interesting if we had the angel of death take a respite and guard someone, but what do you all think?
Personality~ solemn and yet his presence can overwhelm a football stadium. It feels ,well overwhelming of course, and a little sad, but it also is a loyal presence that enjoys the awesome presence of God.
Appearance~ As an angel he is large and an odd mixture of dark and light. His skin is dark like chocolate and yet shines with God's glory. His eyes are bright like stars. His black wings glow red, orange, and white like fire. His garments are a dark red and he is clad with black armor.
In human form he looks unassuming, maybe even scrawny. He is average height and has a buzz cut. The average passerby would assume he was a skinny black guy with strange beautiful blue eyes, like sapphire and ice crystals. He doesn't show his wings in human form.

The plot can be whatever we want to make it. I'm sure rocklobster's villain will rock the RP.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:03 pm
by rocklobster
I meant the kid she takes care of, not that it's her biological kid. sorry. I'll PM the villain tomorrow. Anyway, here's the completely human kid:
Human: Amy
Age: 12
Appearance: Has brown hair in pigtails
Personality: Amy is fun-loving and very sociable. She has a cute smile and you just want to hug her when you see her.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:07 pm
by AdriTan
Oh lol nvm >.<
Accepted!! :D

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:12 pm
by AdriTan
So tell me what you think of the angel of death respite idea :)

Oh and Ally-Anne Adeline can have Gwen obviously since rocklobster is doing his characters! ^.^Hehe we shall make good partners. Unless of course someone else joins who you want to pair up with in which case I'm sure you will be super awesome together! :D

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:21 pm
by Ally-Ann
^Ooh, sounds fun. >w< I might make one more angel and one human. . . It'll depend on the amount of characters we ahve in the end. I'll put up another angel first. Time to use my favorite guy character. =3 And I really love the angel of death idea. He sounds like an awesome character.

Angel Name: Orion

Angel Type: War

Personality: A strong leader-type, as well as just, but still kind and caring. Filled with joy and confidence, but he is not arrogant. His voice is boistrous and powerful.

Angel Appearance: Tall, his skin is slightly golden-brown. His raven-black hair is long, parted to the side, and tied loosely at his shoulder blades, with a few strands of hair framing his face. His eyes are of bright gold, and sparks seem to dwell within them. He wears a Roman-type armored suit, and is sometimes seen wearing a helmet.

Human Appearance: Tall, with same skin. His hair is shoulder-length, very wavy, slightly shaggy, and dark brown. His eyes are hazel-green, and they possess a strong and powerful demeanor. He appears to be about 20.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:16 pm
by AdriTan
Okay cool ^.^ Angel of death he is!

I like your new character. Reminds me of a friend of mine. Accepted!

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:26 am
by Broly Ultimatrix
If I can join I just typed up a sheet for my angel, borrowing from some of my favorite sources that will remain unnamed unless you want a link to the biggest inspiration. I'm going to type out my human tomorrow and my only question is what is the setting of the story? Where and when are they and is there a general age, occupation or something that ties the characters together as a foundation for their interactions? Do all the humans know each other even remotely or is this sorta like completely unconnected accounts of the interactions between a person and their guardian angel being narrated by us in a third person point if view. Lastly, do or human characters know who their guardian angel is from the start of the series or will they figure it out as the story progresses?

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:19 pm
by Michael Lance
Are y'all still recruiting for this? I think I might join, if I have time.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:34 pm
by Broly Ultimatrix
Wrote up my character sheets for one Angel and one Human both male. The humans sheet is very much so smaller then the angels whos sheet is rather large and detailed sorry about that I put a lot of thought into it :P

Angel: Male

Vindir Luelin
Angel Type (worship, war, peace or simple simple messenger):
He is generally a quiet spirit and spends his every waking moment either reading his good book or in deep thought about the happenings around him. He watches his protectee vigilantly and most of his thoughts are usually on said target. He has a unique point of view and shows it through all that he does. He is a master of empty hand and weapon martial arts but he says his mastery of them was not to make him a dangerous killing machine but to first gain control of his own mind and body through open hand martial arts and then learn the responsibility of both having others under your watch or command and further self control in trying times by utilizing weapons as an extension of himself. He is also a very indirect person and tries not to directly influence those around him instead setting the scene to best bring about the desired outcome to the knowledge of the person doing it so they learn from the situation and his further assistance isn't required. His one major flaw is he often over-thinks things in the sense that he spends too much time thinking and not enough time acting. The more time Vindir has to think about something and prepare the better the fruits of his labor but even in short term situations he can think clearly and act appropriately. His best quality is his patience which he seems to have an infinite amount of both giving someone the time they need and not cracking under the pressure of others actions or transgressions/trespasses against him.
-Angel Form
In his angel form he is thin and tall, about 6'2", 150 lbs, and bears fine grey Velvet-like tabard with a hood he often keeps pulled over. His arms and legs are covered completely by a think cloth wrap much like he was mummified which upon closer scrutinization clearly bear words throughout in a fine font giving the cloth a near black appearance, over the tabard he wears a black breastplate with white gold linings trimming the boarders of the metal. Ha also wears two plate shoulder-guards with rather large spikes extending out a couple inches and turning in at a slightly sharp turn halfway up all towards the center. His wings appear grey from a distance and are covered by such fine down that the surface is white like paper other then the constantly changing words strewn across them from the top down spelling out all he thinks and becoming darker as more thoughts accumulate when he thinks of deeper issues or really puts his mind to something. With his hood pulled up his face is completely blacked out like there is not even a light inside the hood spare a glow coming off his eyes, a light blue aura blowing off to the side of his face. When the hood comes off his darker completion is revealed and a thinner faced man is revealed his face solemn and mostly unchanging unless something amuses or shocks him. His hair is about lower neck length; black, with a noticeable shine and his eyes a deep light blue like the eyes of a husky.
-Human Disguise
In his human form he appears between 16 and 18 years of age, his skin lightens considerably making for an almost white appearence with a tan he looks a bit like a loner. He wears a pair of black cargo jeans, baggy but not sagging in any way, a silver chain, about two inches in diameter, is strung through the belt loops with a short length hanging at the side from it a black unmarked bible wrapped with chains and a cross shaped lock holding it closed. he also wears combat boots with three straps and a long-sleeve grey sweater with three buttons at the top his hair eyes and skin don't change but the way he holds himself does. He holds his hands in his pants pockets and slouches a bit when he walks and reclines comfortably when sitting down. He gives off a presence of one who isn't weak but instead is in deep thought and when he speaks, regardless of form, his unnaturally deep voice permeated deep and his slow pace and carful choice of words is clearly evident, assuming he even gets to the point of speaking or acting on his thoughts. In his human form his eyes are still a bright deep blue. He mostly appears to either stare off into space like he is staring into everything and nothing or has his eyes closed while he thinks and when he looked at you it feels like he is looking either into or through you.

Human: Male

Dantin Slate
Dantin is a load boisterous guy who freely speaks his mind and is exceptionally opinionated. Him being a pretty powerful street fighter from his life on the street made him into a fists first words second type guy who thinks the only way to get respect and dignity was through phisically overpowering the other individual. This coupled with his hotheaded personality and lack of any real patience for those not stronger then him makes him snapish. He is also very self-rightous and while his knowledge of the bible and his way with words are under par to say the least he is always right in his own mind.
A man of medium build, 5'8" and dark tan. He wears extra large black jeans held at his waist with a thick black belt adorned with studs. He wears a pair of black vans with beige rubber soles and a white t-shirt. Over the t-shirt he has a black Gi with the arms torn off making it more of a vest then a shirt, he keeps it open so it flows with the wind and gives him a larger appearence.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:25 pm
by Ally-Ann
And here's Orion's human. ^^

Name: Annabelle McCloud

Personality: A shy and timid 15-year-old. She doesn't have any friends, as she is scared to talk to people. The reason behind this is because her parents abuse her physically and verbally, and she has a fear that others will do the same to her. If she ever did make a friend, she would be very soft-spoken and polite, as well as loveable.


+Height/Weight: 5'1, 101 lbs.; very petit and fragile-looking.

+Hair: Waist-length, light-blonde, curly, parted to the side.

+Eyes: A very light sea-green

+Clothes: Dark denim jeans, a short-sleeved white blouse, and gray flats.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:23 pm
by AdriTan
Accepted! And yes MichealLance we are still recruiting! :)

And as for who knows each other we'll have some be connected and others will meet each other. For the characters still in high school, we can have them together in certain classes. But there won't be any deep connection until later in the story so that they can have some solid character development.

The time setting can be now. The high school will be called Bailey High School (hehe Im watching Its a Wonderful Life).

As for the angels connections, they'll know each other alright. They've long been aquatinted and connected theough Gods presence. I think it'd be funny if some of them didn't get along so well.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:25 pm
by Michael Lance
I just thought of something: doesn't this RP conflict with the rules?

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:33 pm
by Broly Ultimatrix
Ashley wrote:This forum is for new RPG ideas to be expressed, and for potential GMs to recruit members. If your idea fits CAA guidelines* and you have sufficient players, proceed to PM a staffer and we will look over your thread. If approved, we will create a new thread for you in the Main Roleplay forum.

* CAA guidelines for RPGs:
- No sexual scenes or skimpily clothed outfits
- No foul language, but you can say things like "they cursed"
- No mixing in the supernatural with fantasy; that is to say, you can't have a reinvented version of the book of Revelation with elves and demons.
- Magic is a very, very touchy subject that will be dealt with on a thread-by-thread basis. If you plan on having magic in your RPG, it's best to run your idea by a mod/admin before even posting on it.

We arn't mixxing it things up more like delving into one side of the pool but I spose this is up to the mods and stuff to descide.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:39 pm
by AdriTan
Hmmm... We aren't mixing things up. As long as we stay away from magic I think we'll be alright. But I'll PM Goldy just in case.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:43 pm
by Broly Ultimatrix
Tell us what she says :P and thing as a setting and plot for this thing or the RP will start in a white room with no walls lol jk

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:41 pm
by AdriTan
Lol Right.
We'll be in the city of San Francisco. The high schoolers (there seem to be a handful of them) go to Bailey High. You can decide what classes you'll have together. As for basic plot (and this can be upgraded of changed if you wish): The story will start with the humans and what they live with and the Angels will appear by their side through somebody's prayer (can be themselves a random classmate or even another of the characters). Through circumstances you and your partner put together, the angel and human will get to know each other. The villain will come in (I believe the main villain will control the evil all over the city) and together your characters will battle the evil, whether by angelic power or human free will.

If you have further questions feel free to ask. I sent a PM to rocklobster asking if he wanted to be co-GM and I'm hoping we'll be doing this stuff together. And of course everyone else's parts are equally important and I look forward to getting this started. ^.^

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:45 pm
by Michael Lance
Sorry, I'm gonna have to back out of this one, just due to my own personal convictions. It's nothing against you guys - y'all enjoy your RP, I'm sure it'll be a good one ^^/

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:50 pm
by AdriTan
That's okay, see you around the forums ^.^

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:07 pm
by goldenspines
An RPG is like a blank canvas painted by many people.
Or like a white room? XD;

I responded in length to AdriTan since she's the GM of this RPG, but I'll leave a bullet list for the rest of you to hopefully answer the curiosity. I apologize for not reviewing this sooner, but it still warms my heart that you took the time to ask me about it at all.

The idea of this RPG does indeed tread pretty close to crossing over the line stated in the third rule on the list Ashley put together for the RPG forum. But with a few changes that will hopefully make it better for everyone, this RPG should be fine.

- Keep this fantasy, entirely. Magic is fine as long as it doesn't go past the level of Narnia or Harry Potter (nothing in relation to real life religions or cults).
- Avoid real life theological theories; the discussion and application of, in or out of character.
- Avoid using Scripture (examples would be using them for attacks, defenses, etc).

I trust you all to be fairly smart and level-headed anyways. Since a majority of you have been RPing on CAA for a long while, I have little to worry about, I think.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:27 pm
by Broly Ultimatrix
Duely noted, Thanks Goldenspines. @Adritan: My only question is will the humans know that the other person is their guardian angel altomagically or will they figure it out later in the story?

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:37 pm
by Michael Lance
Here's my character submission, since y'all have started and I didn't want to disrupt the gameplay flow ^^;


Angel type: War

Personality: Dark and mysterious, Gen bears the burden of losing his first charge due to his own ignorance. He doesn't like being reminded of his past, but he reserves fighting for the enemy.


(Normal Appearance) An ebony armoured chestplate and leg guards with silver trim that shines in the moonlight. A long, black scarf that drifts like a ghostly spectre in the wind. Black-feathered wings that bear the scars of war. Leather wristbands to protect him in combat, and a blue ribbon, wrapped around his right upper arm, to remind him not to make the same mistakes as before.

(Disguised Appearance) A black leather jacket, faded black denim jeans, aviator sunglasses, scuffed leather boots, and a scarf similar to (but not quite as long as) the original. Rides an all-black Kawasaki Ninja while in his human guise.

Is this all right? PM me if anything needs changing.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:54 pm
by rocklobster
I already said yes to AdriTan, but I 'll say it here too.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:30 pm
by AdriTan
Alright so, you read the words of goldenspines, we are going to be treating this as pure fantasy. If I screw up please TELL ME. I'm not going to get upset at anyone but myself. :)

So no theology, and no scriptures, we don't want to break rules or get upset at each other. And if we end up having some magic don't make it more than the above said.

MichaelLance we would love to have you. :)

As for whether or not the humans realize that the angels are their guardian angels, treat it naturally. If the part of the story you are spinning calls for them do have no clue, do as such. If your character suspects, or the angel character tells outright, so be it. :)

Also, rocklobster is co-GM! For those of you that didn't catch that. :)

We are going to have fun and keep this lighthearted! :D

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:18 pm
by rocklobster
Goldy said I could use the different choirs, but as sort of an environmental setup. So if you want to have someone be a seraphim, that's fine.

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:02 pm
by Wolfsong
Is it too late to join?

Re: Guardian Angels

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:35 am
by rocklobster
Not at all! Come right in!