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Fight for Guuri

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:02 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The land of Guuri is in grave times. The four nations are at the brink of war and underhanded alliances are in the air to overthrow the sick leader of the Northern Kingdom of Ha-Sai. A small band of warriors calling themselves the Quashu, however, are trying to comprise themselves to represent all four kingdoms and restore peace to Guuri. In order to accomplish this, they must battle resistance and maintain the four mystic articles that contain the power of each spirit that oversees its kingdom.

The four kingdoms are as follows:

Northern Kingdom: Ha-Sai
Element: Water
Spirit: Zalfe the Hydra
Article: Sapphire horn

Southern Kingdom: Je-Mau
Element: Fire
Spirit: Yune the Phoenix
Article: Ruby feather

Western Kingdom: Fu-Jun
Element: Earth
Spirit: Xana the Dragon
Article: Emerald scale

Eastern Kingdom: Ko-Lom
Element: Air
Spirit: Wokuu the Thunderbird
Article: Amber talon

The inhabitants of these kingdoms are primarily human, but if you want to throw in a mythical race, then please PM me first and get the approval. I am not looking for people who want to be the craziest race with tremendous powers...just creative people who like to tell a good story. Unfortunately, I am not a GM that tells you exactly what I want; I'd rather set you up with a decent plot and let you have creative freedom. There will be arcs in the story, and all of the spirits are under control. I won't be playing personally as much as I will be playing characters in order to provide the best experience possible. There is no limit on the number of characters you have so long as you can manage. What is needed is good and bad characters, so keep that in mind. No kingdom is relatively good or evil; make it what you will concerning what movements you want your character(s) to be in...the best part is you get to create it and decide.

So...if you're still interested, here's a character sheet:

Kingdom: which kingdom and spirit are they under
Appearance: no stock photos unless they are you own; art plagarism is not cool
Abilities/Skills:magic, fighting, healing, etc
Other: anything else that might be interesting about your creation
Affliations: if any (groups, movements, gangs, what have you...)

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Would a type of water person (sort of like a mermaid) Be accepted as a race?

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
If you can come up with a good character profile, then skies the limit. Again, I'm not going to give restrictions.

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:33 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Yay! Thank you! *starts to draw my character*

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 pm
by Ally-Ann
I'mma try to get better at rping, so here goes.

Name: Korrina

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Kingdom: Southern Kingdom

Appearance: 5'5, 125 lbs., fair-skinned, waist-length dark red hair in two low buns, bangs, black eyes.

Abilities/Skills: Skilled sword fighter.

Background: Korrina is a fiery-spirited girl who is often overly serious about eveything. She grew up with a loving family and everything that she could possibly want, and yet she is still wanting more and to become stronger, to become the best. When her father showed her some moves with two swords of his when she was about eight years old, she fell in love with the sport. She's extremely competitve and doesn't like losing or giving in to others. This makes her hard to get along with half of the time, especially if you're competing against her. She does, however, have a burning passion for justice, even if justice may not always be "fair" according to the world's standards.

Other: Korrina owns a pet owl that acts as one of her few companions as well as a messenger.

Affiliations: None.

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Looks pretty good, Miss Ally. The mysterious rogue...I look forward to seeing more. Approved.

Also, if you have any questions about rpging, just shoot me a PM. :)

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:26 pm
by Mister
Name: Shan Reyong-Mioon
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Kingdom: Western Kingdom
Appearance: tall, stocky. broad shouldered, narrow at the hips. hard, angular features, as if cut from stone. small beard, black hair, blue eyes deep as the ocean.
Abilities/Skills:Martial Art Master, primary skill: Soul Breaker (crushes the soul of the opponent, shattering his bones. causes extensive fatigue.) Secondary skill: Earth Magic, control of Minor and some Major elements. ( I.E. plants, rocks, nothing too fancy like making a mountain move or trees walk...)
Background:Shan grew up on the battlfield, the one thing he fears most is friendship. Shan lost his parents when raiders slaughtered his village, which was supposed to be under the protection of the Northern Kingdom as a join effort to protect the innocent. Fearing he may loose someone else special to him he fears befriending people.
Other: Collects tattoos on his back of dates, marking the time he killed and got revenge on a raider or Northern Polititian involved with his villages destruction.
Affliations: general in the Western Army, Code named 'The Azure Demon who Crushes Souls'

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:19 pm
by Ally-Ann
Phantom_Sorano (post: 1481741) wrote:Looks pretty good, Miss Ally. The mysterious rogue...I look forward to seeing more. Approved.

Also, if you have any questions about rpging, just shoot me a PM. :)

Danke. =3

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:44 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
@ Miss Ally: You're welcome, hon.

@ Mr. Mister: Looks interesting, though somewhat confused about the soul thing. Approved.

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:25 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Finally I'm putting up my character. :)

Name: Aisu Gogyou
Age: 28 in Mairou years, which is 14 in human years.
Sex: Female
Race: Mairou, (a creature I made up that's similar to a mermaid)
Kingdom: Ha-Sai
Appearance: Both are shown below. One is her land form and the other is her water form.
Abilities/Skills: Like most Mairou, Aisu is skilled at water/ice, but is weak in physicly attacking, because Mairou aren't very strong On land or in the sea. But Aisu has a double sided spear (or double sided half trident, whichever you want to call it ) in case an enemy gets to close. This spear is made of aquamarite, which is a light but sturdy metal that's found in the sea, and Mairou use it instead of steel or other heavier metals. She is also pretty skilled at healing.
Background: All anyone knows about her is that she heard about the Quashu trying to make peace, and she decided to join them.
Other: Mairou think they are superior over everyone, even the other races that make up the Ha-Sai kingdom, but Aisu doesn't think like that.
Also, she is a wonderful singer, and she carries around a flute with her that is carved out of coral, which she can play.
Affliations: Quashu

I think Aisu will be a lone traveler at the beginning of the story before she joins Quashu.Also, anyone is welcome to make a character from the Mairou race! :D

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:35 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Exceptional character idea and wonderful original artwork, Miss Dia. Approved.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:55 am
by Diamond Dragon
Thank you! :3

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:13 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Further note:
We are still in a great need for characters. Heroes, villains, rulers, anything.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:13 pm
by Ally-Ann
I'll make another character. C=

Name: Mingzhu Li. (The "zhu" part of her name is pronounced "joo". Chinese. :P )

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Race: Common Fairy

Kingdom: Eastern Kingdom


+ Skin Tone: Fair

+ Height: 5'1

+ Weight: 108 lbs.

+ Hair Color/Style: Golden-brown, waist length, Greek bun

+ Eye Color: Green

+ Clothes: Short, dark green, one shoulder, sparkly tibi dress, dark green, just below the knee sheer tights, dark brown gladiator sandals.

+ Wings: Monarch butterfly style, dark green wings. (Yeah, I know. Lots of green. Lol.)

Abilities/Skills: Can fly (Duh. Fairy.) and is good at archery.

Background: Mingzhu grew up without her parents, as they had been kidnapped when she was little and were never found, so she was raised by her aunt and uncle instead. She mostly got past the grief of losing her parents rather quickly, since she had been young, though once in awhile she wishes they were still with her. Despite this, Mingzhu a bold and witty fairy, as well as kind. She's loyal to her friends and obedient towards anyone who has authority over her.

Other: Mingzhu, understandably, can't swim and is even scared to try.

Affiliations: None.