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Forgotten Candlestick: A Murder Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:00 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
That's right! I'm at it again...only this time I want to experiment with this concept.

--The Story--

It is in the final weeks of summer and tourists flock everywhere to enjoy the break whilst they can....everywhere except the Kurst Manor hidden in the mountains of the Netherlands. Kurst Manor has been rumoured by locals to be a bizarre place...haunted by an angry mistress of the house. The people there are mad and some say they are not of this world.

A train heading to the capitol has just been derailed; the engine has blown a gasket, and the people are stranded a few miles from the strange old home. At first, it appeals to them as a gem in the wilderness....but as the night progresses.....things become too much.

--The Process--

Listed will be the number of people needed for the RPG and the occupations. Just call dibs and fill out a character sheet. I'll go through later and approve things....but 99.99% of the time you're approved.

Once the people are established, then I'll send you personal PMs to the murder and the victim with detailed instructions. I prefer to be a very liberal GM so the sky is the limit on the death (CAA rules stand of course).

--The People--

(1) Master of the House
(1) Main butler
(2) Maids
(1) Cook
(1) Gardener
(2) Young college students
(1) Older rich couple
(1) Newly engaged couple
(1) Mysterious stranger
(1) Doctor

You can modify the jobs and personality. I want the characters to be as unique as the people that play them.

--Character Sheet--

Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story):
Additional details:

Again, I hope this will work out!


PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:18 pm
by Vega
Yes! A mystery! Count me in! Heres my character!

Role: Young College Student
Name: Abagail Martin
Nickname/Alias: She always goes by Abby.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: Shes an average height, brunnette, and shes very attractive which she uses to her advantage.
Personality: Shes a beauty-obssesed person who tries to seduce to get her way. Shes mean spirited and loves crushing those she believes to be below her.
Background: She is the definition on popular. From Prom to Home comming shes always been the bell of the ball. Shes a bit of a party animal which has gotten her into lots of trouble in her past but never in so much trouble that she couldnt munipulate and wiggle her way out of.
Reason for being at Kurst Manor: She is on her way to meet up with a couple freinds she hadnt seen since senior year in highschool.
Additional Info: On multiple occasions in her past shes gone into a complete emotional breakdown when deprived of her matirial "necesities" so her being stranded out their is her worst nightmare!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:36 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Mr. Vega, you're approved!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:19 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
I call dibs on the Master and Butler(If I can)

Role: Master of the House

Name: William Kurst

Nickname/Alias: Master Kurst

Age: 77

Gender: Male

Appearance: An old man of crippling health usually seen in a wheelchair. Only his Butler knows he can walk freely.

Personality: The 'Get off my lawn!' type old man to most strangers but is known for being like a kind grandpa to his servants though he still holds many secrets from them.

Background: A retired oil billionaire living in the mountains as his children now run the business.

Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story): He lives here.

Additional details: If left alone for long enough he will start to talk to his wife who died almost Twenty years ago.


Role:Main Butler

Name: Troy Meyer

Nickname/Alias: Troy

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short, Curly, Brown hair and a Butler uniform but no jacket or vest. Usually seen wearing gloves (*cough*).

Personality: A kind man that has a certain pride about his work but also likes to keep to himself when ever possible.

Background: A third generation Butler to Master Kurst. His Grandfather changed William Kurst's diapers while his Father grew up with him like a brother. Troy himself grew up like a brother to the younger Kurst siblings. Both his parents dies in the same accident that killed Mr. Kurst's wife.

Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story): He works/ lives here.

Additional details: Has lived here longer than the other servants by at least ten years(Doesn't mean he's the oldest though). The manor is to be his when William dies.


Any changes needed. I don't know how creepy I can make them with the small details. Also, what time period is this set in (If the present just say present) and how big is the manor? I have some ideas but I need to know at least the latter.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:52 pm
by Ante Bellum
Hm...I think it would be fun to be the "mysterious stranger" but filling out a character sheet would kind of defeat the mysterious part.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:17 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Mr. Fu, if you can handle the job, then have it! Miss Ante....I love you like a sister....fill out the sheet, dear.....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:31 pm
by Ante Bellum
Okay, here I go. I hope it's okay...

Role: Mysterious Stranger

Name: Alexander Greystone

Nickname/Alias: (Doesn't like nicknames although people have shortened it to Alex if they were referring to him.)

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average height, if a bit on the short side. Slightly aged, walks with a slight stoop occasionally. Blue eyes, but they aren't very colorful and may sometimes appear to be without color at all. Brown hair with several grays, usually well kept at a medium length but may be allowed to grow. Wears a small pair of glasses due to shortsightedness. Typically seen in respectable dress, usually a dress shirt and pants, plus a vest and heavy overcoat. Usually wears a wristwatch or, during formal events, will use a gold plated pocketwatch inherited from his father. He will wear more casual clothes, such as jeans and a long sleeved shirt, but this is usually for cold weather or when he isn't going to be in public.

Personality: Introverted, doesn't usually like to be around social groups. If he isn't doing something, or even when he is at times, he seems to be preoccupied. This has led him to not pay attention to things, and has more than once caused him to forget details. Otherwise, he tends to keep to himself and doesn't like to talk if he can avoid it. He tends to prefer a practical method of getting out of trouble. His actions may end up seeming strange to a lot of people, but that's how he normally is. At times he may do something that would catch even those familiar with him off guard. If he gets really stressed he can have anger management issues, and may end up hurting his hands by punching a wall. He doesn't have a normal sleep schedule and was prescribed sleeping pills to help correct the insomnia, but he forgets it a lot. He also sometimes sees a therapist but hasn't seen an actual psychiatrist.

Background: He made a fairly good living as an IT manager at an old friend's company, but saved as much as he could and hoped for an early retirement. While he still works, he started to use some of the money to travel whenever he had free time. This proved to be more satisfying than sitting at home, so he has continued to travel a lot. It also seemed to have a more positive effect on his mood, which only further encouraged it.

Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story): He was traveling in the mountains on the train that broke down, back from a small village that he was staying at.

Additional details: When he was younger, a huge mistake he made ended up costing the lives of a couple of friends. This has haunted Alex and caused his insomnia and need for therapy. It also appears to have caused his withdraw from most social activities. It seems the anger management issues, which already existed, multiplied.

Oh man. Tell me I'm bad with names. XD
Is this too much, or should I cut something out? Sorry, I'm a little nervous because I've never tried something like this before, and I think I might have gone overboard...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:50 am
by rocklobster
Role: College Student
Name: David Lang
Nickname/Alias: Harry Potter, due to scar on forehead.
Age: early 20s
Gender: male
Appearance: Caucasian with brown eyes. Has scar on forehead he received as a child when he ran into a wall (long story he doesn't divulge). Has brown hair that he wears down to his neck (he hates to wear his hair long because he doesn't want to look like a hippie
Personality: David is heavily into fantasy and sci-fi. He is generally a nice person to be around, but has a bad temper at times.
Background: David has been in college for 2 years and is studying literature in hopes of being a teacher
Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story): He got word from an old friend online that she was headed there and wanted to meet her to catch up on the past.
Additional Details: In an effort to help him curb his temper as a child, his parents enrolled him in a local martial arts program. He is an excellent fighter and will often be seen meditating if he gets upset (it's a technique he learned from his sensei). He's also an accomplished guitarist and is rarely seen without his guitar case.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:47 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Fantastic characters everyone! All approved! The following roles are still available:

(2) Maids (or 1)
(1) Cook
(1) Gardener
(1) Older rich couple
(1) Newly engaged couple
(1) Doctor

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:25 pm
by Lil_Ninja
I'm deciding between the newly engaged couple or the doctor... But I'm very interested in the rpg!! I'll have to post a bio a little later though! (I'm probably going with doctor since the Mysterious stranger was taken :D)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:18 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Role: Doctor (children's doctor to be more precise)
Name: Radek Chilling
Nickname/Alias: He usually goes by Dr Rad to make the children laugh. Because who wants a doctor called Chilling?
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has short light blond hair (on the verge of being white) that he always pushes back, he has ice blue eyes, stands at 6' and has a muscular build. He always keeps his face clean shaven, and he has golden skin. His complexion makes him look much younger than 25. He usually wears nice clothes. Slacks, nice shoes, button down shirts in bright colors that he rolls the sleeves up on.
Personality: He is very happy and always jumps at the opportunity to help. At times, he can act a little too goofy, but he says it comes with being a children's doctor.
Because of constantly working around people, he is excellent at reading people's faces and motives, but sometimes can be too suspicious about people. He loves extreme sports like skiing, surfing, mountain biking, anything that gets his adrenaline going. He loves acting tough and showing off for kids or the ladies, but sometimes he takes it a little too far. Over all, he's a genuine gentleman, very truthful and caring.
Background: He came from a family of doctors, so naturally, he joined the ranks. Children are his passion, due to being the oldest of six, and having many other little cousins to watch. He excelled in medical school, getting straight As and graduating a year early. His father died soon after Radek became a doctor, and he inherited his father's children's clinic. Many rumors had floated around holding accusations against Radek, saying he had had a hand in the murder so he could gain his old man's (very) successful clinic, but he denied any such claim. No evidence was found to tie Radek to the murder, and the rumors eventually died down, but his past still haunts him now and then.
Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story): This time of year, the hospital near the capitol gets a lot of new child patients, and it's getting to be too much for their current staff to handle, so Radek volunteered as an aid, leaving his clinic in his brother's capable hands.
Additional details: He can be a big flirt at times, which has gotten him into trouble in the past.]


I hope you don't mind me snagging a maid too!

Role: Maid
Name: Colette Bonheur
Nickname/Alias: She sometimes goes by Cole. A nickname given to her by the other staff is "Phantom". They say it's because of her ability to go around unseen and unheard, but it's really because of some unexplained eeriness about her, like her sleep walking and how she knows a little too much about people.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has beautiful brown hair, beautiful gray eyes, a warm complexion, and she stands at 5'2. She stays in shape by running around doing house work and she is usually seen in her maid outfit.
Personality: She is eerily quiet and mysterious, never talking about her past or anything about herself for that matter, but she seems to know everything about everyone else there as if she's been watching them. When she does talk, you sometimes wish she hadn't because of the creepy things she says, like how she's been watching you, and how she notices how you do certain things. Stuff normal people don't take notice to. But she's not exactly normal, now is she? She often startles people because she seems to randomly appear behind them without any warning, and she is often caught staring at you as if her mind was in another place. Sometimes you can catch her staring out the window in a complete daze, oblivious to everything around her. Other times, she can be caught walking around the estate in the dead of the night, non responsive to anyone trying to get her attention. Most just pass it off as her sleep walking, but others say she is a ghost herself. She could chill the strongest man to the bone with a single glance.
Though she is kind, there is just something about her that seems very off..
Background: Little is known about Colette. Her family was supposedly murdered by a serial killer when she was a teenager, leaving her as an orphan. William Kurst took her in, giving her a job and taking care of her as his own. She's been living there ever since.
Some of the other employees say she was probably the one that killed her family, since the true killer was never caught.
Reason for being at Kurst Manor: She works/lives there.
Additional details: She has a pet black cat (the only creature she really talks to) that you sometimes can catch a glimpse of around the house.

I hope this is ok! I was trying to make her a creeper! Hehe

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:44 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Looks good, Miss Ninja. Approved!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:10 am
by Lil_Ninja
So when is this thing going to be submitted?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:32 am
by Phantom_Sorano
...When we can find more people to play. I don't think this one is gonna happen. :(

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:44 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Awh.. Wee need peopllleee!! This rpg seems sooooo fun!!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:40 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
How many people are we to control? If possible I can play one or two more. Everyone else might have to do the same. Would love to see this happen.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:52 am
by rocklobster
I say just submit it and see what happens.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:25 pm
by Mister
Name: Giovanni
Nickname/Alias: Cooky
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Appearance: around 5'10", well rounded, wears a mustache and medium beard. dresses in a professional cook's robe, but no hat. has dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin.
Personality: short tempered, hates having his cooking criticized, has an all around bad attitude and grumpy demeanor. will help anyone out but complains about it all the while.
Background: Giovanni was born in Italy, raised in Italy, got his temper and attitude in Italy... Giovanni dreamed of opening a chain of expensive restaurants like his grandfather, Alfred. but after attending culinary school and starting the first restaurant, things fell through after five years of not so good business. Giovanni ended up evicted and jobless at the age of thirty. after weeks of searching, he finally landed the job with the Kurst family and has been with them for the past seventeen years.
Reason for being at Kurst Manor (background story): (see background)
Additional details: hates young know-it-all's, old women and Doctors.