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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:47 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Awsome! :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:10 pm
by Lockon Stratos
Alright, now we need Juhou no Yami characters. That's my main problem with stories. I'm lousy at making villains.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:38 pm
by Lockon Stratos
Is it possible to change a thread's title, or do you have to start a new one? I reaaally don't want to have to repost everything.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:57 pm
by Diamond Dragon
You can ask a moderator to change it. :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:02 pm
by Lockon Stratos
I've got it! Ultimate Warrior!! Ha ha, I'm a genius. *gazes off into the distance... then turns around and asks what day it is*

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:31 pm
by raider~joseph
Looks good lockon.I can make villains!
Name: Joseph Sarrows
Title: The final order of Iron
Affiliation: Johou no Hikari
Age: 17
Appearance: Brown hair with spikes at the front with a slight tan. Caucasian. Wears a black chainmail that's been imbued with thread to look like a black hoodie and a pair of black leggings.
Weapon: claymore named High Altar
Skills: Can carry heavy things easily for his age.Is trained in a art used by knights in a time long ago.It had no formal name.
Bio: His parents died long ago from an yakuza attack.Joseph was only 5 when he was sent to live with his uncle in Scotland. He soon found that he was very strong for his age.He was often was considered cursed with the memories of his parent's deaths at the hands of an assassin with a scar on his left cheek.A young boy of 23 at least.He used a sword like a painter used paint.He never forgot.One day he got into his uncles sword collection.His uncle caught him wielding his claymore like a butter knife.He was 10 when he began his training.One day an invitation came to him from a man claiming to know his parents assassins and if he can win a major competition it would be his.Joseph ran away from home with High Alter in tow swearing to win this competition no matter what!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:31 pm
by Lockon Stratos
raider~joseph (post: 1507566) wrote:Looks good lockon.I can make villains!
Name: Joseph Sarrows
Title: The final order of Iron
Affiliation: Johou no Hikari
Age: 17
Appearance: Brown hair with spikes at the front with a slight tan. Caucasian. Wears a black chainmail that's been imbued with thread to look like a black hoodie and a pair of black leggings.
Weapon: claymore named High Altar
Skills: Can carry heavy things easily for his age.Is trained in a art used by knights in a time long ago.It had no formal name.
Bio: His parents died long ago from an yakuza attack.Joseph was only 5 when he was sent to live with his uncle in Scotland. He soon found that he was very strong for his age.He was often was considered cursed with the memories of his parent's deaths at the hands of an assassin with a scar on his left cheek.A young boy of 23 at least.He used a sword like a painter used paint.He never forgot.One day he got into his uncles sword collection.His uncle caught him wielding his claymore like a butter knife.He was 10 when he began his training.One day an invitation came to him from a man claiming to know his parents assassins and if he can win a major competition it would be his.Joseph ran away from home with High Alter in tow swearing to win this competition no matter what!

I like it, but why Yakuza? What was he doing in Japan in the first place? Anyway, I think you should organize your bio a little better, too. Like most everything else on this RP, good idea, just needs a little cleaning up.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:41 pm
by raider~joseph
He was living with his parents and I will answer your questions in time.So about the villians?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:37 am
by Lockon Stratos
Toss me something. Also, your character is approved.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:43 pm
by josh_manga
I'm not going to rp this one, but i do have an idea.

Since Sun Tzu is the inspiration for this one, why not use examples from his book as scenarios for the campaign? I do actually own this book (somewhere in my house), and you could use principles like "cutting off your enemy's supply train or lines of communication to their leaders" as specific missions given to the characters by their commanding officers.

Also, there's a difference between common knowledge and common sense. The contents of The Art of War may be common knowledge to those who've read it or had officer training, etc, but it might not be common sense to those who have not. :thumb:

Some people are more adept at that sort of thing than others.

Hope this turns out well!

EDIT: wow, a RP based on the Art of War. And the Israeli military thinks role playing is bad for its personnel.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:20 pm
by Lockon Stratos
josh_manga (post: 1508653) wrote:Since Sun Tzu is the inspiration for this one, why not use examples from his book as scenarios for the campaign? I do actually own this book (somewhere in my house), and you could use principles like "cutting off your enemy's supply train or lines of communication to their leaders" as specific missions given to the characters by their commanding officers.

EDIT: wow, a RP based on the Art of War. And the Israeli military thinks role playing is bad for its personnel.

I was thinking of that kind of thing myself when I was having the brainstorm that created this idea.
P.S. I have to ask, how do you know about the Israeli military's view on RPing?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:26 pm
by josh_manga
I can't remember, read it in somebody's blog somewhere, i think someone who lives in Israel wrote some kind of comment on it in response to somethingerother.

I think the comment was along the lines of how they had to disguise their playing, or play only off duty, off base, and not call it D&D.

EDIT: Did a google search, here you go.,7340,L-3052074,00.html

Looks like your basic stereotyping of a broad spectrum of people who just happen to share a hobby, because "some of them are simply detached from reality".

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:40 pm
by Lockon Stratos
Alright, here's my attempt for a villain.
Name: Unknown, Uses Alias: Nolan Randolph
Title: Oni
Affiliation: Johou No Yami
Age: Unknown as well, guessing to be in his late twenties based on appearance
Appearance: Tall and slender, brown hair and eyes, wears a cloak and hood combo when he can.
Weapons: Uses a Kanabo(A Japanese war club) and chains.
Skills: Has inhumanly fast reaction time. Incredible tactition.
Bio: Past is a mystery, even to himself. Has no recollection of who he is, or where he came from. Johou No Yami found him in an underground fight arena, and offered him the ability to search for his missing past.

Not great, and probably will scrap if I can't figure out his past myself.:sweat:

Anyway, is this dead yet?