+ Scions of the Beast +

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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:17 pm

OOC: Ergh... When I get time, I'll TRY to send you an update, Strafe. >< Sowwies..
Nami, don't hurt poor Nazi! XD It's not his fault he's a sneaky little snake...Weeell... MOSTLY not his fault! X3 *Pats Kishy's head*

IC: Conri folded his arms. "As a matter of fact, I do. Why is Snake interested in having a meeting with you? What is he wanting to use you for?" His expression showed genuine concern. Whenever Snake didn't get his way, someone always payed dearly. No one, and that means no one ever walked away from refusing Snake. That's how he kept his rank. If he went soft, the gang would walk all over him. "Do I need to have a talk with Snake?"


Nathanael ignored Affinity's harsh tone. He wasn't the type to get flustered easily.
He kept glancing at Kisho. I hope he intends to calm the waters with Maxine.. He thought, sticking his hands in his jean pockets. He was quiet for the most part on their way back to the hideout. He had several things running through his mind, like how Kisho's going to react towards Nazari now, knowing he's behind some plot to kill Affinity and Azrael. Wasn't it bad enough that Kisho already attacked this man called "Snake"? The other matter on his mind was Maxine. He had been wondering how she was going to act towards Nazari after so many years of not seeing him. Is he going to try to spark their relationship again? If so, will Maxine choose Nazari, or Kisho, a man that she thinks only likes her as a friend. Kisho, you better fess up soon.. He thought, giving him another side glance.


Nazari didn't like the silence that was starting to settle between them. So she does have feelings for him.. He thought, a plan starting to form in his mind. I'll have to change that. A mischievous smirk came across his face as he nudged Maxine playfully with his elbow. "Hey, don't look so down in the dumps. At least you still have me!" He gave her the cheesiest grin he could muster up, which got a growing smile from Maxine. "There's that amazing smile I remember." He let his overly big smile fall into a crooked grin.

"Thanks.." She said as she gave him a hug.

"That's what I'm here for." He replied cheerfully as he embraced her.


As they walked into the hideout, Nathanael spotted Maxine and Nazari hugging, and as soon as the two saw the others, they broke the embrace. Uh oh.. Was the only thing that ran through Nathanael's mind as he glanced over at Kisho.

"Kish.." Maxine whispered, her breath catching in her throat. She took a couple steps towards them before stopping, her eyes fixed on Kisho. She wasn't sure if he saw them hug or not.. Or if he was still mad at her. She waited for his move.

Nazari's heart skipped a beat when he saw the orange haired brute step into sight. He took on a defensive stance as he stood next to Maxine. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched Kisho, his hand secretly on the switchblade located in his back pocket. If the man was going to make an aggressive move again, he'd be ready this time.

OOC: Hope you don't mind me fast forwarding to the hideout! If so, I'll edit ^^
And yes, I know. I'm evil >=D


One of the brutes from Snake's gang quickly made his way towards Evangeline and Kanako. "What do you think you're doing, barging into this place?!" He huffed, narrowing his eyes at the two as his hand rested on his gun holster.
"You've just barged into Snake's headquarters, and he don't like when people do that. It's bad manners." He held his gaze on them. Even the slightest aggressive movement from either of the two, and his pistol would be out and ready to fire.
As he was speaking, his fellow gang members started gathering around him, a dangerous air settled around them. There were at least four brutes around the girls now, each having some sort of weapon at their side. The presented a very real threat to the girls.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:33 am

Lil_Ninja (post: 1368229) wrote:IC: Conri folded his arms. "As a matter of fact, I do. Why is Snake interested in having a meeting with you? What is he wanting to use you for?" His expression showed genuine concern. Whenever Snake didn't get his way, someone always payed dearly. No one, and that means no one ever walked away from refusing Snake. That's how he kept his rank. If he went soft, the gang would walk all over him. "Do I need to have a talk with Snake?"

Glancing over at the thug who'd 'escorted' him and Ty to the gang's hideout, Jairus looked back at Conri answering "well, that depends on which snake he is. Is this guy Solid or Liquid?", then more seriously, he replied "he's blackmailed us into making him some weapons for the gang, possibly some choppers, too."
Ty looked down in shame. He still couldn't believe it had come to this - being forced into illegal arms distribution to hide that glaring blemish on his parrol record. He mentally kicked himself for the umpteenth time for ever laying a finger on those drugs in the first place and dragging Jairus into all this, but there was nothing he could do about it now.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
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Postby Nami » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:42 pm


IC: Kisho stepped into the hide-out and looked around, he caught Nazari and Maxine breaking away from a hug, he decided to ignore that. There were more important things at risk. "Nazari." he said stepping forward, "I'm terribly sorry for my behavior earlier, it was uncalled for, after all that mistake was made many, many years ago." he paused.

"I have two friends here who say they messed with your gang, I'm not sure what they did but I want you to let them off the hook, they belong to my group now." He waved a hand at Affinity and Azrael. "Please, give them peace."

Kisho shifted his gaze to Maxine, "I would like to talk to you alone Maxine...If I could."

Just as those words left his mouth Eric came bustling in with a shout. "HA! I KNEW IT!" he whooped and tackleglomped Kisho, who amazingly enough didn't fall over.

"I knew it was you three! I recognized Kisho's hair! WOO!" he crowed giving Kisho a good noogie before letting go.

"HUH! Who are you?" Kisho asked staring dumb-founded at the stranger. "Aw, c'mon! It's me...ERIC!" he lunged at Maxine and engulfed her in a hug, "I'm super psyched to see you guys again!!" he grinned hugely and hugged Nazari as well before stepping back. "I used to run with you all."

Kisho stared and then blinked, "...Eric...little human Eric?" he said his eyes widening.

"YES!" Eric grinned, "that's me!" he laughe heartily. "I haven't seen your amazing skillz In a while my friend...oh..but you and Maxine...were..gunna talk." He looked from all the stares to, Kisho and then to Maxine. "My bad." he gave a goofy grin and moved out of the way. "I can wait." he winked.

Kisho sighed, "It's good to see you again...uh...thanks." he looked at Maxine and waited for her reply.

OOC: ahahahha! Eric just EXPLODES onto the scene!
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Postby Strafe » Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:48 pm

OOC: I like how she says when she has time, then goes and writes a wall full of text. Thanks, lil ninja... -_-;


She placed a picture of all of lil_ninja's characters on the wall gently, then began to punch them furiously with all of her might.

Kanako was terrified.

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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:27 pm

OOC: Hey now! That was uncalled for, sir! I would appreciate a more civil attitude from you, please, or I'll take action. When I do the recaps on the WHOLE story, it takes me a very long time, thus is why I've been only slipping in for a post so I'm not holding LITERALLY everyone up. You can wait. It's not like you can't post without it, so stay chill. T-T

IC: Conri sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Alright, I'll talk to him.." He let his hand dropped as he looked at both of them. "Trust me, you won't want to do this job."
He noticed that Kisho and the others had returned with two people he slightly recognized. He then gasped in realization, quickly turning to Jairus and Tyrel. "Please excuse me!" He turned back to Affinity and Azrael. "You two! Hold it right there!" He rested his hand on his gun holster as he rushed over.


Nazari was caught off guard by Kisho's apology. He slowly let his hand slip off of the knife in his pocket. "Ah yes.. Those two caused me a great deal of trouble, but if you insist.. I guess I could let them off the hook this time." He held his hand up at Conri to stop him. "No need for that anymore, Conri."
He turned his attention to Maxine when Kisho asked to speak to her. Oh no..


Maxine was about to answer Kisho when a figure burst into the room and hugged her. "Wha-!" She didn't know what to say. She wasn't use to people abruptly hugging her like that, especially when she didn't know who they were. But then she heard the name. Eric. It had been so long since she last heard it.
"Wow, it's good to see you, Eric!" She smiled, dumbfounded that he was there.

Nazari was equally astonished at Eric's presence. "I can't believe it's you! It's been too long, man." He also joined in the smiling party, but it faded a little when Eric excused Maxine and Kisho to talk.


Maxine nodded. "Right.." She led Kisho away from the others, pausing once to glance back at Nazari, who was staring back at her. It made her heart skip a beat. She shook it off and turned her attention back to Kisho. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked a little nervously. The awkwardness she felt showed in how she acted.


Nazari kept his eyes on the two until they were out of sight. He sighed and looked back at Eric, his smile returning. "So what have you been up to, dude?"
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Postby Nami » Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:20 pm

OOC: Yes Strafe that was uncalled for XD *Gin Ichimaru grin* Be nice to Lil-Ninja or you'll deal with meh! :3

Also! DEE! I'm super sorry about not waiting! But you and Erin needs to poooost! Unico and Sio need to get back together maaan! XD

IC: Kisho walked with Maxine without looking back, he wasn't too sure of what he was going to say, but he felt he need to. He gently grabbed her upper arm, "somewhere...more private." he whispered, leading her farther away from the group near the entrance until he was sure they were far enough away. He glanced behind him and let go of her arm, running a hand through his black and orange hair. For a moment he looked unsure and then he spoke.

"Maxine...I know how much my..." he hesitated, "Anichi scares you, and I'm really sorry...about before." Meaning when he attacked Nazari, he knew she would understand. "I shouldn't have flown off the handle like that..." he peered at her from under his bangs. "Nate told me...you sent him after me because you were worried." he sighed.

"I'm really sorry. If there is anything....anything at all I can do." he paused, and his heart skipped a beat. He needed to tell her this too, but he would wait until he knew she forgave him. Then he would tell her, how he felt. He didn't know why but he felt the urgency of the situation, as if...as if a snake were creeping slowly toward them in the tall grass, waiting for a chance to bite. Kisho contained his shudder as he waited.


Eric grinned broadly at Nazari, "I've been up to no good." he chuckled, "not really, actually, my parents got me educated and sent to a college where I graduated early and started bumming around here again, I heard some rumors about a gang and stuff so I got curious. But when I saw Kisho I knew you had to be around too, I was super psyched. I still can hardly believe after so many years I'm finally seeing you guys again."
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Postby Strafe » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:13 pm

OOC: Whoops my bad. I wasn't serious, but sarcasm never comes out online. sorry if I came out rude.
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Postby Nami » Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:45 am

OOC: It's ok! I knew you were goofing around Strafe, ^_^ I know you better than to think you were serious hahaha.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:00 pm

Jairus turned to Ty, clapping him lightly on the shoulder in an attempt to reassure him.
"Hey, man, buck up a little, eh? We'll get through this, I promise."
"Yeah, ...you probably will."
"C'mon, Ty, don't talk like that, man. We've all done stuff we're not proud of and tried to cover it up, even me."
"Yeah, but at least your dirty little secrets didn't put your friends in harms way."
Now it was Jairus' turn to look guilty. "Well... now I have a confession to make."
Ty was stunned as Jairus related a tale from his early days in his old gang, how he'd taken a bet with a rival gang member and naively led his gang into an ambush.
"Most of us made it out okay and got away before the cops arrived, but ol' Sweet Cheeks got messed up pretty good. One of the thugs that jumped us had a spike bat and, though he wasn't all that good with it, he would'a' taken me out if Cheeks hadn't run in fron'a' me. Took a few blows to the face an' chest 'fore they ran off an' left 'im to bleed to death."
Ty was dumbfounded at what he heard. After a while, he finally found his voice.
"I thought you guys said he was attacked by a dog. Why?"
"I don't know. I guess... I was scared that if anyone found out that the cops would come after us or somethin'. I was young and naive, and scared outta' my mind. I guess it helped ease the pain a little, but I've never really lived it down. I've been shakin' in my boots since that guy brought us in here, but I didn't want you to be afraid either. I swear, though, we'll get outta' this mess. All of us. We just need to think of something and get everyone in on it."
Looking around the room and the other thugs who were milling about, watching them and the other anichi with confusion and interest, adding, "It's gonna take all of us working together to pull something like that off. We need time to think."
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Postby Nami » Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:17 pm

OOC: Ok guys, I'll be gone this whole weekend, starting tomorrow, I'll be at my Aunt's. If I can perhaps get on then and check out the form then I will if not then I'll see you all Monday! I'm on until nearly 9pm tonight!
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:22 pm

OOC: Ah well, Good to know you weren't serious, otherwize I would have had to go Ninja on you ;] BTW, I replied to your characters.
Alright Nami!

IC: Maxine was surprised at his apology, and was unsure how to reply. "Oh, uh.. I forgive you.. I understand that it wasn't all your fault." She replied, referring to the control his anichi had on him.
"There is one thing you could do.." She shyly looked up into his silver eyes. "Forgive me for that dreadful thing that I did.. I just.. Need you to forgive me, okay?" She didn't know if he would or not, but she hoped with all her might that he would. "I wouldn't be able to bear it if I knew you hated me.."


Nazari smirked, folding his arms. "Yeah, it's a lot to take in.. All four of us together again.. Just like the old days, huh?" He chuckled. He couldn't help but occasionally steal glances over to the direction Maxine and Kisho disappeared to. He wondered what they were talking about. Nothing that would help him, he knew that for sure. He directed his attention back to Eric. "So are there any girlfriends I should know about?" His grin widened. "I remember that back when you hung with us, you were a bit of a flirt with the ladies."


As Conri made his way back to Jairus and Ty, he caught most of the story and after thought. He had been staying around the corner to listen in. "Pull what off?" He spoke finally, joining them again. He folded his arms and cocked his head with curiosity.


Nathanael had been hanging back from everybody, observing the different scenes. It seemed like Nazari was up to something, but he didn't know what, and it was bugging him.. It was like he was plotting something behind the scenes.. Something that involved Maxine and Kisho.. I'll talk to Maxine about it.. He thought, looking to join in on the conversations until Maxine was free. He walked up to Affinity and Azrael. "So.. You're joining our group, eh?"
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:27 pm

Jairus shot Conri an inconspicuous warning look before pulling him and Ty close into a huddle and whispering quietly "we're gonna try to get outta here with the other anichi, save the this Snake character you keep referring to, but if you want a part of it, you have got to keep this on the down-low, you with me?"
Jairus was looking Conri straight in the face, searching his countenance for a sign of truth.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:09 pm

AWHH man I forgot about the RP again. *slaps myself in the head* Sorry. XP

Storm followed Spring to the families house and waited paciently with Chaucer for her to finish talking with them and to tell them that she and Storm were going to leave and that they probably wouldn't see them ever again.
Derek -The Daring Pokemon - A cool, totally awesome Pokemon that uses his power of song, medical skills and powers of cool to make others see things differently. He is not temperamental, but he likes to pull pranks and grins when you fall into his traps. Usually, he styles a fedora and prances around on all fours, he's all black with a white belly.

"Although I look into infinity. I only see the lords eyes, always shining upon my face and smiling in my heart. He will always be with me, no matter where I may go. Always watch over me lord. For I shall be eternal in your light."-Derek.
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Postby Nami » Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:56 pm

OOC: Ok! I can poooost! I'll be back home 2morrow.

IC: Kisho stared at Maxine, he couldn't believe it, she wanted his forgiveness too. He smiled slowly, "Of course, of course I forgive you Max. How could I not?" he stopped before he finished his sentence. "Ern... Max, there is something I wanted to talk to you about." He hesitated and glanced around again, he closed his eyes and breathed a sigh.

"Maxine..." He reached out but didn't take her hands, "I'm really sorry I worried you. You know...I've always cared about you." Kisho looked up at her now, meeting her eyes.

OOC: CHEESY! But don't forget the PM Nin! XD

IC: Eric grinned and blushed a little rubbing the back of his head. "Oh no girls right now, I've got no time for that." he chuckled, "how about you? I heard by ear that you were Datin' Maxy back in the day. That over now?" he glanced at the way Kisho and Maxine went as if trying to confirm it.


Spring took care of her business and bowed out after Chaucer thanked the family. They were once again walking back.


"Yes dear?" He looked at Spring.

"I'm so happy you are here.." she smiled and grabbed his hand. Chaucer smiled, "me too." He grinned back and smiled at Storm as well.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:35 pm

OOC: Don't worry, I won't forget!! X3

IC: Maxine let out a relieved sigh. She was glad he had forgiven her.
She was quick to reply to Kisho, almost cutting him off. "Oh, yeah, I understand." She gave him a knowing smile. "Nazari explained your feelings towards me." When she saw his expression, she was quick to add "How you think of me like a sister. And that's totally cool. I mean, I really do appreciate your concern. After all, you've gotten me out of more jams than I can even begin to count." She laughed, rubbing the back of her neck. "So yeah, you don't have to explain anything, it's totally fine." She told him. "Er.. Sorry.. I'm rambling, aren't I?.." She chuckled awkwardly. She always started rambling when she felt awkward in a situation.

OOC: You have no idea how many times I had to rewrite that!! The computer kept spazzing and deleting my text T-T


Conri scrunched his face up and started laughing at the two. "You don't have to start planning a secret escape mission, 007. I said I'd handle it, and that's what I intend to do. You wont have any trouble from Nazari once I talk with him. So just chill out, slick. You're both going to get out of here just fine, all limbs accounted for and intact." He smiled, still quite humored. "Besides, if he wanted you to stay, you wouldn't be able to stop him. his word is law in these parts."


Nazari smiled at the mention of Maxine. "Well, honestly, I'm not exactly sure." He admitted. "When I tried bringing it up earlier, she kind of blew me off. You know how Maxie is." He smirked, folding his arms. Oh Maxine. How stubborn you can be. "I hope it's not over though. But I have a strong feeling that Kisho wants the opposite. He's always been jealous of us." He partially joked, his smile widening as he glanced in the direction of Kisho and Maxine. He got great pleasure out of making wise cracks about him. His reaction was always priceless.

((Nate was kind of forgotten, so I'm just going to send him over))

Nathanael couldn't help but comment on their conversation. "That's funny, because it seems like you've been the jealous one lately, Nazari. Since Maxine has shown some interest in Kisho and all." He had to say something to stick up for Kisho.

Nazari gave him an almost challenging smirk, narrowing his eyes for a second. "Well, we'll see who's going to be the jealous one. As soon as Maxine finishes with lover boy, I'm going to straighten this out once and for all. Either she chooses me, or that brute over there." A mischievous look flashed across his face as he narrowed his eyes a little.

Nathanael narrowed his eyes in return as he crossed his arms. "Yes, we will see."
He's up to something.. I can feel it..
Maxine, please see his hidden agenda..
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:01 pm

Jairus listened, and slowly started to relax a little.
"If it is as you say, then I trust you.", he said, letting a hand rest on Conri's shoulder.
"In the meantime, you got a stick o' gum on you by any wild chance?"
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Postby Nami » Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:19 pm

Kisho stared at Maxine, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. A sister? Nazari was a liar. He felt rage flood through his veins but he shoved it down. "Nazari...said...that?" he struggled to control his temper. "Well, Maxine...I don't." he looked at her directly and sighed heavily. "Look, Nazari lied."

"I like you. More than a sister." he didn't break eye-contact as he spoke, "I always have. I never knew until we were seperated and when we got back together... I couldn't believe it. It was almost too much for me to handle." Kisho smiled, "I wanted you to know...that I do like you, more than a little. Perhaps its love. I don't know. But Nazari lied..." He paused.

"Do...do you like me? Or am I pushing it?" he asked.


Eric blinked, "whoa, well I dunno... if Kish and Max like each other why not let it be ya know?" He grinned at Nathanael. "Sup! I'm Eric, old friend of Max, Kisho and Nazari here, and you are?" he asked holding out his hand.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:05 pm

Maxine furrowed her brows in confusion. "Lied? Wh-.." She didn't know what to say about that.
This was all a big shock to her. She always was suspicious that he liked her, but never.. Love? She combed her fingers through her hair. "Uh.." She struggled to say anything, it seemed like her throat was choking any words she had. She put one hand on her hip, and placed the other on her mouth in thought. She didn't dare to make eye contact as she searched for the right words.
"I don't know what to say.." She let out a soft laugh as she finally looked up into his eyes. She turned her eyes to the ground, then back at him. "Kish.. You know I've always cared for you greatly, through all of this. You're my best friend." She paused, contemplating her next words carefully. "You know.. I only went out with Nazari back then because you never asked me." She let out a short chuckle. "I was always under the assumption that you didn't actually like me like that." She smirked, humored by her own blindness. She folded her arms as she gazed up into his eyes, waiting for his reply.


Conri raised his eyebrow at Jairus. "..Gum? Uh.. No, I don't believe I do." He told him, taken aback by his random question. "Why?"


Nazari folded his arms. Because Kisho isn't right for her..

Nathanael smiled at Eric. "Exactly!" He shook the man's hand. "I'm Maxine's brother, Nathanael. Pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Maxine's is a friend of mine." He released his hand, still mantaining a smirk. "So tell me, what were they like as children?"
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Postby Nami » Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:20 pm

Kisho blinked, startled. "You..." he paused, "so...what does that mean? That...you like me...or that you could someday?" he hesitated. He was new to this whole thing and felt like a toddler trying to walk for the first time. "I don't want you to date me simply because I ask, it sounds...wrong. But I Want you to date me because you like me, otherwise there is no point." he sighed.

"I'm worried... Nazari lying was never a good thing and it usually means he's up to something." Kisho muttered under his breath.

OOC: Sorry guys! We had to make this happen! If you feel it's turning cheesy forgive me! I'm trying to make it natural ^_^;

IC: Eric smiled, "I didn't know she had a brother! Awesome." he looked at Nazari and then back at Nathan. "Oh gosh, they were crazy! We always ran around and caused so much trouble. Like this one time we went to the circus and we petted the lion! That was awesome! We got in so much trouble. Remember Nazari?" he said smacking Nazari lightly on the arm.

"We were out of our minds." Eric ran a hand through his hair and grinned.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:15 pm

Before Maxine answered his question, she commented on the last thing he said. "Well, of course. Naz is always up to something. It's like his hobby. But the question is, what is he up to.."
"And to answer your question.. You'll just have to find out." A wide grin came across her face. She gave him a quick wink before heading back to the others. That'll keep him busy. She laughed. She loved teasing him.


"Well.. We found each other only ten years ago." Nathanael informed him.
"Sounds like you four were a hand full." He laughed, folding his arms. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Maxine and Kisho making their way back, and so did Nazari.

Nazari excused himself and quickly met Maxine half way. "I need to know something." He knew Kisho could hear him, but he didn't care. "Are you going to choose me, or Kisho?"

Maxine was taken aback by his question. It seemed like it came out of nowhere. "Wh.. What? You're making me choose right now?"

Nazari sighed. "Well.. Yes. I need to know, Maxie.. And remember.. You chose me first."

His little side note ticked Maxine off. He was trying to manipulate her! "What??.." She huffed. She couldn't believe what he was saying. "What makes you think you were ever my first choice, huh?" Her anger was growing, and her eyes were narrowing. Never a good sign.

Nazari smirked arrogantly. "Everyone chooses me first. There isn't even another option." He laughed.

Maxine's fingers curled into fists. "You are so childish, you know that! I can't believe you can be that arrogant." She growled. If she hated anything so much, it was arrogance. "You knew he liked me, didn't you? And you.. You lied." She shook her head in distaste.
She tightened her jaw, trying to control her temper. "And just so you know, I'd choose him a hundred times over you." She moved back to where she was standing next to Kisho, and placed her hand on his arm.

Nazari folded his arms and rolled his eyes. "Yeah.. I lied, so what? I was protecting you from this jerk. But go ahead, like him. It doesn't matter anymore." He waved it off. "You have a bad temper anyway. And you know what? I only asked you out because I was dared."

Maxine gritted her teeth to avoid punching him, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. He deserved it. Before Nazari could even blink, Maxine's fist was in the air, and he was on the ground. She shook her hand off from the blow. "You know what, Snake? I never even liked you." She growled as she stood over the very defeated, and utterly humiliated Nazari. "And nobody calls Kisho a jerk."
She grabbed Kisho's hand and led him away from Nazari.

Nathanael burst out in laughter. "Nice!" He moved to high five Maxine, but she declined, whispering. "I've never punched anyone that hard before." She smirked, rubbing her soar hand.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:16 pm

Jairus deflated a little at the sad news, sort of huffing out a "dang" before sticking his hands in his pockets in mock dejection.
Ty caught on and patted Jairus' shoulder pretending to sooth him. "Aw, com'n man...", he crooned in mock sympathy, "ya' bref don't smell that bad.", before turning to the side slightly and fake-coughing into his opposite fist for comic effect.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:24 am

ooc: ... and once again I've killed the thread. (or did I just kill everyone?)
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:31 am

OOC: Naaahhhh, I'm just waiting on Nami. Not much can be done until she posts, but I'll give Jairus something to do nonetheless :D

IC: Conri raised his eyebrow at Jairus. "Here, have a tic tac." He reached into his pocket and threw Jairus a pack of mints.
"So.." He folded his arms and looked at the two. "Who's this 'Sweet Cheeks' you were talking about? Someone I should know about?" Conri knew he was being nosy, but he didn't care. His curiosity got the better of him.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:35 pm

Jairus took the pack and popped on in his mouth, but he didn't get much of a chance to enjoy it. When Conri brought up his and Ty's conversation, the taste in Jairus' mouth suddenly turned bittersweet and he turned his head down and away to hide the tears that were coming into his eyes just then. Ty tried to wave it off with a quiet, nonschallaunt 'it's nothing... really.' and a wave of his hand. It wasn't that he didn't care, but Ty knew the subject was a bit tender for Jairus, especially right then.
"Just a li'l inside thing between bros, no offence", Ty added, forcing a smile to be strong for his comrad.
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Postby Strafe » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:39 pm

OOC: Alright. I don't really need a recap. Just where is everyone at the moment? I just need a location and I'll read some of the posts to jump in when there's an opening.
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Postby Nami » Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:16 pm

Lil_Ninja (post: 1370933) wrote:Before Maxine answered his question, she commented on the last thing he said. "Well, of course. Naz is always up to something. It's like his hobby. But the question is, what is he up to.."
"And to answer your question.. You'll just have to find out." A wide grin came across her face. She gave him a quick wink before heading back to the others. That'll keep him busy. She laughed. She loved teasing him.


"Well.. We found each other only ten years ago." Nathanael informed him.
"Sounds like you four were a hand full." He laughed, folding his arms. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Maxine and Kisho making their way back, and so did Nazari.

Nazari excused himself and quickly met Maxine half way. "I need to know something." He knew Kisho could hear him, but he didn't care. "Are you going to choose me, or Kisho?"

Maxine was taken aback by his question. It seemed like it came out of nowhere. "Wh.. What? You're making me choose right now?"

Nazari sighed. "Well.. Yes. I need to know, Maxie.. And remember.. You chose me first."

His little side note ticked Maxine off. He was trying to manipulate her! "What??.." She huffed. She couldn't believe what he was saying. "What makes you think you were ever my first choice, huh?" Her anger was growing, and her eyes were narrowing. Never a good sign.

Nazari smirked arrogantly. "Everyone chooses me first. There isn't even another option." He laughed.

Maxine's fingers curled into fists. "You are so childish, you know that! I can't believe you can be that arrogant." She growled. If she hated anything so much, it was arrogance. "You knew he liked me, didn't you? And you.. You lied." She shook her head in distaste.
She tightened her jaw, trying to control her temper. "And just so you know, I'd choose him a hundred times over you." She moved back to where she was standing next to Kisho, and placed her hand on his arm.

Nazari folded his arms and rolled his eyes. "Yeah.. I lied, so what? I was protecting you from this jerk. But go ahead, like him. It doesn't matter anymore." He waved it off. "You have a bad temper anyway. And you know what? I only asked you out because I was dared."

Maxine gritted her teeth to avoid punching him, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. He deserved it. Before Nazari could even blink, Maxine's fist was in the air, and he was on the ground. She shook her hand off from the blow. "You know what, Snake? I never even liked you." She growled as she stood over the very defeated, and utterly humiliated Nazari. "And nobody calls Kisho a jerk."
She grabbed Kisho's hand and led him away from Nazari.

Nathanael burst out in laughter. "Nice!" He moved to high five Maxine, but she declined, whispering. "I've never punched anyone that hard before." She smirked, rubbing her soar hand.

OOC: GAAH! I'm super sorry! I got snowed in for a week! I'll be able to keep posting as soon as Monday comes..until then here is my reply!

IC: Kisho blinked, he hadn't been ready for that kind of an answer, he had expected something more meaningful. He pondered this as he walked behind her not knowing he was about to find out his answer. Kisho listened to the agrument and had nothing to say, because for the first time Maxine said it all. He couldn't help smirking a little when she punched him.

"Whoa..." he said and took her hand, he wasn't sure what to feel, although he felt an all consuming ball of joy and he couldn't keep the silly grin off his face. "I've never seen someone punch someone else so hard before" he whispered to her with an evil grin. "Thanks, I think I have my answer now." he hugged her with one arm.

OOC: *o* All the dramas over...or is it?

IC: Eric watched the scene and then turned to Nathan, "I can see why you two are siblings." he chuckled, "same attitude!" He looked at Nazari, "dude, I've always thought you were cool, but you totalyl deserved that man." he patted Nazari on the shoulder, "hell hath no fury!" he grinned.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:44 pm

Nazari was totally caught off guard by Maxine's sudden burst of anger. He sat up slowly, bringing his hand to his lip. As soon as his fingers made contact, he drew back. Pain. And blood. She busted his lip! That annoyed him.
He grunted at Eric. "Yeah.. I know, I know." He got up, dusting his clothes off. His gaze wandered over to Maxine and Kisho. Leaving the battle as victors.
That'll work just fine.. He smiled inwardly, turning back to Eric. He sighed, rubbing his jaw. "I'll apologize when she cools off."


Maxine smirked at Kisho, letting him hug her. "I hope so."

Nathanael smiled at the two. "Well, it's about time!" He folded his arms and laughed.


Conri thought it wise to just drop it. "Alright."
His attention was drawn to Maxine's outburst. He couldn't help but laugh at his defeated boss. "Ouch." He smiled, walking over. "You okay there, boss?" He asked, a smile still stuck to his face.

Nazari waved him off. "I'm fine. Forget it." He grumbled.


Maxine sighed, turning to face Kisho. "Hey, do you want to go for a walk or something? I need some air."
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:58 am

OOC: (Guuyyyyysssssss! Why the hold up? I'm DETERMINED not to let this die a horrible.. Death.)
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Postby Nami » Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:10 am

Eric grinned, "good thing, she may never forgive you if you don't apologize now." He cocked his head to the side a bit and squinted then turned to Nathanael, "Say, just what exactly have my friends been up too?" he asked casually.


Kisho blushed slightly at Nathan's comment and smiled down at Maxine, "I'm sorry that it had to happen this way." he murmured, the smile falling off his face, "I really do like Nazari, but...for whatever reason I find him more annoying than even Unico if you can believe that." he glanced around the room.

"A walk?" He paused in his step, "sure, let's go."


Chaucer came in and noticed the tension in the room, "I can't imagine what happened while I was gone." he muttered crossing his arms. Spring glanced around the room, "I dunno, shall I ask?" she moved toward Nazari, still wary of him and then looked at Conri, she didn't really know any of them, not like Chaucer did. "Um.. excuse me." she murmured.

"Could someone tell me what happened?" Spring blinked her wide eyes waiting for a response.

OOC: for anyone who feels the need to jump back into the story!! I won't let it die! I promise!
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:40 pm


IC: Nazari absent mindedly nodded in understanding. "It'd be a miracle if she forgave me at all." He grumbled, folding his arms. Especially after what I'm about to do..

Nathanael shrugged. "Being mischievous as usual." He grinned. He didn't want to give this guy too much information. "So you and my sister are good friends, huh?"


Maxine stuck her hands in her pockets as she led them out of the gang's base. "It's hard to imagine anyone being more annoying than Unico.. But I'm beginning to understand."

As they walked through the city, so many memories flooded back to Maxine's mind. She missed this place so.. Or perhaps the people her friends used to be. "We've come far since the last time we were here, huh?" She kept her eyes fixed forward as they walked.


Callie made a mad dash for cover behind a cluster of trashcans. Where was Balto when she needed him?
She had been running from a couple of brutes for a block or two now, and she was starting to get frightened.

"Look who we have here."

Her heart skipped a beat. They found her!
The man grabbed her arm.


Maxine noticed a couple of the gang members harassing a little kid down one of the alley ways. "Kisho.." Maxine nodded to the scene as she approached them. "Is there a problem here?"

The girl struggled in the mans grip. "Help!"

The man jerked her arm, quieting her. "Mind your own business, lady."

Maxine folded her arms. "I suggest you let the girl go first."

"Yeah, or what? You gonna slap me?" He laughed.
One of the other men pulled out a knife. "I suggest you leave before things get ugly."

"Judging by your face, I think things are already ugly." She snorted.

"Why I oughta.." the man growled.
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