i got an idea!star wars battlefront 1/3

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i got an idea!star wars battlefront 1/3

Postby diton 13 » Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:34 pm

ok here is the info.

storm trooper(basic blaster shotgun,blaster rifle,grenades)
dark trooper(jet,bazooka,rifle)
droid(blaster shotgun and rifle,grenades)
droid sharpshooter(rifle and super scope shotgun)

more to come in 2/3 if that is we get through this one.yes that means super battle droids and droidekas.right now we are all rookies so we need to fight as rookies.story line is simple.new plantets ahve appeared in the universe and its the empire vs the droids now there are 6 locations in the barren jungles vast deserts and steaming volcanos and towering mountians.and newly formed citys of course.oh don't forget barren ice zones.
now after each part is done(which will happen when all six command posts are occupied by a team.)we will continue to new place till all six are beaten in the event of a tie i will dicide who wins in a game of one on one combat.
health is 25
all rifles have infanate ammo.they inlfict 1 damage
all shotguns will have 60 ammo they inflict 5 damage
bazookas and missles have 10 ammo.they inflict 10 damage
grenades are instent ko you have 3 only.
when you kill someone you get 20 ammo for shotguns,1 ammo for blasters,and 1 grenade.
no god moding.
no camping or head shots(yet).
i am the mod of the game i will dicide who dies when.(this doesn't mean i just randomly pick someone to die)
you must shoot someone or blow them up with a grenade to kill them.
after all 1 planet is complete we will have to transfer charcter if you are starting out at this one then you will get to upgrade your charcter.other wise you can only pick the ones above no matter what so i suggest you do it now.you can make charcters in mid game but i suggest you do it now.
yo uuummm.
cartman:kyles mom is the biggest..
me:sut up cartman you wanna get me banned?
cartman:stupid author....
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diton 13
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Postby Taran » Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:13 am

I'll be a dark trooper(jet,bazooka,rifle)
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:00 pm

What, no Gungans?
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Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:58 pm

no goober fish?!
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