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About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:14 am
by Mullet Death
Whenever I examine myself, I often get the feeling I'm such a unique fellow that it's difficult to categorize me, if you follow; sometimes it's pretty hard to find a "group" where I really fit in because my interests and beliefs, not to mention my behaviors, seem to be at odds sometimes, so that's why I looked for "Chrisitan anime" and found this place. Or at least, that's one of the consequences of my self-reflection.

The short story of my life is that I'm Wes, a 22-year-old Catholic convert (the only one in my family and, for the most part, circle of friends), work at a grocery store, currently attend community college for a "Networking" degree, play too many video games, watch and buy too much anime and don't know how to slow down or do anything that I'm passionate about with moderation. "Go big or go home!" isn't a philosophy I'm necessarily proud to be a part of, just one I have to adopt to justify what I do sometimes.

I'm really going hard these days to pursue my dreams and attempt, with God's help, to become a better overall and- perhaps COMPLETE is the right word- person. One of my dreams is to open a restaurant/ game store kind-of entrepreneurial hybrid, which is the main reason I'm attending college for my current degree (so I can make decent money to eventually open it.) Other things I have to do before I die include traveling to every state in the Union, as well as other trips to places like Japan and Italy and the sky's the limit. I've been throwing around the idea for a massive story project in my head for well over a decade that I've recently decided would probably work best as a doujinshi project, at least at first- the problem with that being that I have no talent for drawing. Currently studying Japanese, though am not proficient; would also like to learn Spanish.

Anyway, if you need to know more, you could ask, but really that's probably the Cliffnotes version of "More Than You Needed to Know About Wes, Some Dude On The Internet." Nevertheless, feel free! これから、よろしくお願いします!

Anime Owned:
One Piece (Up to and Including All of Season 4, have never seen anything beyond that)
K-On! (All +Movie)
Fairy Tail (Collection One, Collection 2 pre-ordered, have never seen anything beyond that)
Soul Eater (All)
Heaven's Memo Pad (All)
Wagnaria! (Season 1)
Trigun (All + Movie)
Welcome to the NHK (All)
FMA (All +Movie); FMA Brotherhood (All + Movie)
Spice & Wolf (All)
The Disapperance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Dragonball; Dragonball Z; Dragonball Z Movies; Trunks & Bardock Specials; Dragonball Z Kai
Girls Bravo (All)
Heroic Age (All)
Mushi-shi (All +Movie)
Bamboo Blade (All)

Have more but can't remember right now.
Other anime seen:
Naruto; Naruto Shippuden
Squid Girl
Bodacious Space Pirates
Gintama (Only to Episode 106)
Nichijou (Or "My Ordinary Life" if you prefer)
Hayate the Combat Butler (Seasons 1-2)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Chi's Sweet Home- Chi's New Address
Chrono Crusade
Sonic X
The King of Nabari
Digimon Adventure 1 & 2; Digimon Tamers

Have seen others but can't remember, and didn't count things I've only seen in bits and pieces here and there like Yu-Gi-Oh!
SOME of my favorites among these include K-On!, One Piece, Soul Eater, and Durarara!

Cool story bro.

TL;DR: What's up?


Re: About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:58 am
by syphon
Hey mullet death welcome to CAA, glad to have you here! I Pray you do well in your journey!

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:33 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Welcome, welcome. Don't worry about telling us too much about yourself; most of us will probably forget anyways. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Wait, you don't fit into a specific category?! Get out, now. We'll have no people we can't stereotype here! (jk)
Studying Japanese, eh? There's alot of Japanese speakers/students on here, so it's a good place to stay sharp. I myself am not even past basic kana memorization. You should totally learn Spanish! I learned a good bit of Spanish awhile back, but I've lost most of it. Anyway, have fun, stay alive, and hope to see you around.
Bienvenidos a la CAA! Espero que su tiempo aqui se encantara. Que Dios la bendiga!

P.S. *facepalm* Can't believe I forgot to mention this. Have you seen Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle? If not, you must watch it and do one of three things.
1. Be in awe of its awesomeness and think it's the greatest anime ever.
2. Be like "Meh, it was okay." And not really have an opinion either way.
3. Think it was absolutely awful and wipe the memory of it's awfulness from your mind forever.
Whichever result it may produce, you must watch it!

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:57 pm
by goldenspines
よろしくね、ムレット・デスさん。 ( ・ω・)ノ  日本語とスペイン語の勉強をがんばって!

Hello and a warm welcome to CAA, I hope you enjoy it here.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:18 am
by Kaori

CAAへようこそ。 Is there a story behind your username?

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:49 am
by Mullet Death
ClaecElric4God wrote:Welcome, welcome. Don't worry about telling us too much about yourself; most of us will probably forget anyways. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Wait, you don't fit into a specific category?! Get out, now. We'll have no people we can't stereotype here! (jk) Yeah, well, didn't mean to go overboard; :sweat: just thought I'd try something a bit different than a regular "hello." I meant to make this thread as a kind of "I'll tell you something about me, then you tell me something about you!" kind of thread and forgot. :red:
Studying Japanese, eh? There's alot of Japanese speakers/students on here, so it's a good place to stay sharp. I myself am not even past basic kana memorization. I couldn't find the one I used just right off hand, but there are probably multiple apps and extensions for your browser that are designed specifically for kana memorization, that's how I learned to recognize them all at first; if you're serious about the process I'd really recommend that. After that you need to write them all OVER AND OVER AND OVER again just like you did the alphabet.

P.S. *facepalm* Can't believe I forgot to mention this. Have you seen Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle? If not, you must watch it and do one of three things.
1. Be in awe of its awesomeness and think it's the greatest anime ever.
2. Be like "Meh, it was okay." And not really have an opinion either way.
3. Think it was absolutely awful and wipe the memory of it's awfulness from your mind forever.
Whichever result it may produce, you must watch it!

I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen some Tsubasa trailers and I'm totally on board for watching it.

But anyway thanks everyone, I'm surprised there weren't any negative responses, this is the internet after all!

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:54 am
by Mullet Death
Whoops, I didn't mean to quote myself, how do you delete posts in this forum???

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:57 am
by Mullet Death
Kaori wrote:はじめまして、かおりと申します。よろしくお願いします。

CAAへようこそ。 Is there a story behind your username?

I used to have a mullet (the hairstyle, not the fish), and so my first Xbox Live gamertag was Mullet Death. I'm bringing it back. :lol: Mullet_Death is also my current PSN name.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 10:36 am
by goldenspines
Mullet Death wrote:Whoops, I didn't mean to quote myself, how do you delete posts in this forum???
Only moderators can delete posts, so I took care of that one for you.
Try to avoid double posting too much in the future though and instead us the [quote] tags for each person you are responding to in a post.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:45 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Mullet Death wrote:
ClaecElric4God wrote:Welcome, welcome. Don't worry about telling us too much about yourself; most of us will probably forget anyways. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Wait, you don't fit into a specific category?! Get out, now. We'll have no people we can't stereotype here! (jk) Yeah, well, didn't mean to go overboard; :sweat: just thought I'd try something a bit different than a regular "hello." I meant to make this thread as a kind of "I'll tell you something about me, then you tell me something about you!" kind of thread and forgot. :red:

Agh! Sorry, I just realized how that sounded. Now I feel bad. I meant to say "Don't worry, you aren't telling us too much about yourself". We don't mind hearing about people, and you totally didn't go overboard. I like your approach, now that I understand it. So you want to hear about me, eh? I'm Claec/Cece, whichever you prefer. I'm only slightly insane, and I'm good at blending in with sane people so people don't notice my quirks. I hate sour cream, but I'm willing to show mercy to those who like it. Those who know me wish they didn't, and those who don't are probably better off. I love sarcasm, so let me know if it's driving you crazy. One of my worst fears is being too sarcastic and upsetting people. That's me in a nutshell. If I told you any more, in the words of Okita Souji, "I'd have to kill you."

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:14 pm
by Mullet Death
Ha ha ha, well then, I like insane people: I'm free to be myself around them! :grin: Hope you can forgive me, though. I smother everything in delicious sour cream. Love it more than Hijikata loves mayonnaise.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:07 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Mullet Death wrote:Ha ha ha, well then, I like insane people: I'm free to be myself around them! :grin: Hope you can forgive me, though. I smother everything in delicious sour cream. Love it more than Hijikata loves mayonnaise.

Hmmm...I suppose I can forgive you.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:13 pm
by Crossfire
Mullet Death wrote:I smother everything in delicious sour cream. Love it more than Hijikata loves mayonnaise.

...I have a brother?!

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:49 pm
by Vilo159
Crossfire wrote:
Mullet Death wrote:I smother everything in delicious sour cream. Love it more than Hijikata loves mayonnaise.

...I have a brother?!

Aye, and you have two now.

Anyway, good day to ye, Mullet Death, and welcome to the CAA! :thumb:

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:13 pm
by LastLfan
One, mullet death, my apostle creed knowing brother welcome dude
Two, sour cream eww(claec does that story)

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:17 pm
by Derek_Is_Me

Lol, What's up Mullet? And welcome to CAA. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:48 am
by LastLfan
Mullet Death wrote:
Kaori wrote:はじめまして、かおりと申します。よろしくお願いします。

CAAへようこそ。 Is there a story behind your username?

I used to have a mullet (the hairstyle, not the fish), and so my first Xbox Live gamertag was Mullet Death. I'm bringing it back. :lol: Mullet_Death is also my current PSN name.

Psn, welcome, glad to have another psn guy here, do you go on ps home.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:43 am
by Mullet Death
LastLfan wrote:
Mullet Death wrote:
Kaori wrote:はじめまして、かおりと申します。よろしくお願いします。

CAAへようこそ。 Is there a story behind your username?

I used to have a mullet (the hairstyle, not the fish), and so my first Xbox Live gamertag was Mullet Death. I'm bringing it back. :lol: Mullet_Death is also my current PSN name.

Psn, welcome, glad to have another psn guy here, do you go on ps home.

Not very often, but that's because I don't have the internet at home, so on the rare occasions I do get to go on PSN I'm usually playing a game or downloading stuff.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:23 pm
by Cheetah
Hola. Bienvenido. Welcome to CAA. Sorry I didn't post here sooner.
Spanish is great. I'm not at all fluent, but I can carry on a conversation to some degree. I would love to learn Japanese.
You like to write?

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 11:11 am
by Makachop^^128
Welcome! :)

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 4:50 pm
by Mullet Death
Cheetah wrote:You like to write?

I don't think I necessarily have the talent for that; then again, I might have a different answer for that same question if I took a writing class.

Re: About Me

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:58 am
by Panda4christ:3
So, i just realized i haven't posted on this thread yet >.<;; buuuuuuut,