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My Sites

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:05 pm
by Izumi San
I've got 2 main sites: <-- My Kingdom Hearts fansite. 13500+ hits :) <-- My KH online TCG(trading card game) w/ 50+ members (started 3/29). It's currently on HAITUS while I put up the new layout.

Tell me what you think of both ^^

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:31 pm
by Spiritsword
Hi Izumi San!

I'm not really into KH, but I did check out your site just out of curiousity. The layout looks nice, and it looks like you have a lot of good information and plenty of extras there. I've just never played the game nor do I know much about it. If I ever bought a Playstation 2:
1. KH would be one of the first games I'd consider buying
2. You'd very likely never hear from me again

That's why I quit home video gaming years ago.

But the site looks nice! :sweat:


PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:25 am
by MyrrhLynn
Heh, Izumi is just being modest. Her sites rock and they are very popular! ;) She does a really good job bringing in people to her sites. :thumb: And they are always pretty too!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 4:25 pm
by Mithrandir
Woah. Sorry. Been without computers for too long. Will post more when beter able to. For now. COOL!!!