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Fanfiction Requests

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:57 pm
by Lilac#18
[color="Plum"]I thought it be a good idea to have a thread where members can request a fanfic of anime characters or both anime and original characters. The fanfics can be in separate theards. Is that o.k.?[/color]

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:14 pm
by steenajack
Oooo! This sounds fun. I'm willing to take and give requests, so long as I (or someone) is familiar with the anime. :3! Great idea Lilac-san

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:30 pm
by Adorima
I definitely have some fanfiction requests and would be willing to write some one-shots (maybe longer) requests myself!

Here are my requests (pairings, plots etc.) if anyone can write these (and I'll take up writing one of them if you'd like me to), it would be fantabulous.

Horo and Lawrence (Spice and Wolf): Lawrence has given up his dreams of becoming a big-time merchant for Horo. With the corrupt church pursuing them and the reliability of his guild all but shattered, Lawrence must find a way to bring Horo to her homeland. Though they are in love, how will they cope with the fact that she is immortal and he is not?
Nemu and Ishida (Bleach): Are away from their "parents" due to exile/in a fit of rage (respectively lol) and reunite in an unorthodox partnership. Is talking enough to break through hearts of stone?
Suzaku and Kallen/Euphemia (Code Geass): Suzaku has been defeated in battle and his the secrets of his White Knight comprimised, due to a "command" from the deceased Euphemia to be captured by the Black Knights. Kallen is Suzaku's prison guard but a piece of new information about the Geass causes her to question Zero. As they spend time together on the deserted island, where will the loyalties sway?

Anyone interested?