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Guys and Gals, it's Time!!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:11 pm
by CephasWhite
I hope this is the right thread for this. I need everyone to read this!

I'm writing out our adventures we've had over the years in the RP section and hopefully make them into a manga, then into an anime.

What I need from all of you is some ideas to throw at me for some scenarios to make this series popular and demanding for audiences.

I want this series to be as popular as Bleach, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, One Piece and others that have continued in the main stream of anime and manga for 10 years.

This can only be done with prayer, faith and hope, as well as all of us coming together with ideas and inspirations to keep this going and to have us captivate those who read our work.

This series has to be Christian orientated, as well as realistic, fantasy and dark. I don't want this to be a sugar coated, "feel good" series. Sure there will be comedic, fun and heart-warming moments, but there must be moments of dramatic heart-break, thrills, tension and suspense as well as some sad moments. The realism of the "slice-of-life" aspect to a manga/anime gives the reader/audience the feel of relativity.

This is the time guys and girls. We must start right away. I myself have had some fantastic dreams and I am willing to share them with you.

I have had dreams of magnificent fortresses and cities, dreams of characters I've never seen before, and some I've seen from other mangas and animes (possible crossovers), and even a dream about the end of time.

I am beginning to have a passion for this, the want to write out ideas and stories involving our characters with breathtaking art and scenery, along with characters from other mangas/animes like Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Azumanga Daioh, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist etc.

It would be like another version of Kingdom Hearts, only with Manga/Anime characters instead of Disney being involved.

I have found out over the years, from cartoons, dramas and movies, the involvement of crossovers is a marvelous genius today.

Four examples:

- The three CSI shows taking on one case was epic, and couldn't have been thought out any better.

- "Cartoon Heroes to the Rescue" back in the 1980's was an anti-drug cartoon movie involving Huey, Duey and Louie, Garfield, The Muppets, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Winnie the Pooh, Slimer, Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle, and even Alf.

- Super Smash Brothers is a good example because of all the familiar game characters we all know and love in one giant battle. Having Solid Snake in Brawl was absolutely jaw-dropping. Loved it so much.

- The Kingdom Hearts franchise is something I don't even need to explain. Involving Final Fantasy with Disney is a stroke of Genius.

With all of this said, I believe you all can understand what I'm trying to push here. This is the perfect opportunity to make a difference in Manga/Anime and show that we as a Christian nation can make something like Bleach, Kingdom Hearts or Full Metal Alchemist etc. and make it into a super, main stream series.

I need everyone's help in this! Please take this to heart and find a way to help me make this dream into a reality!

Thank you so much in advance!


PS - along with ideas about the series, please give me some comments on what you think about this.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:33 pm
by Peanut
CephasWhite (post: 1431708) wrote:I'm writing out our adventures we've had over the years in the RP section and hopefully make them into a manga, then into an anime.

...good luck when you get to Of Nations and States.:lol:

Overall I don't think this is a bad idea. My experience in the RP section has seen (and produced) a number of characters that have been rather memorable and could work in a major-crossover work. My only piece of advice would be to make sure you stay loyal to their characterization and, if the member who RPed as said character is still active on the site, perhaps contact them to get permission and to get their insight. Again, good luck and I will be keeping an eye on this.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:51 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Moved to New Projects and Ideas ^^

Sounds like an interesting idea ^^

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:51 pm
by steenajack
I think it sounds interesting, idk what I could do except maybe character concept sketches and plot ideas. But yah, I do like this idea.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:45 am
by Nami
I recall, a long time ago, a friend of mine trying to start something like this. I was ready to start with it as well. My art is so-so, but I am more of a writer and to have something to write would be nice.

I like this idea, and I have characters, I must say though, many have already been put into actual stories. There are few that haven't been taken and given a life in my own works. I do believe I have a few though that haven't been used...this is cool. ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:32 pm
by CephasWhite
Good good good! :D

I'm probably sure you all know this already, but I'm still serious about writing this. I need all the help I can get.

Peanut: Thanks for the input. :) I definitely put that into perspective when adding characters to my RPs and/or stories who are from say Final Fantasy and such. Would you like to help me out?

Tsuku-chan: Thanks. :) I hope you'll be interested in helping out, please let me know.

Steenajack: You do character concept sketches?! Awesome! Could I see an example of your work? :D Your plot ideas can be much help too!

Nami: Another writer is always welcome, and YES, please give me a sample of your work and we can possibly make this work! :D

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:22 am
by Nami
Sample of my writing work? Or art? O.o Well, either way, I can give them to you. I'm currently working on a story, if you like I can send you a blip from it, its not edited so don't expect awesomeness. But I really like this idea.

I love plotting and scheming for story-lines, so I'm perfectly willing to do that (and writing out the story with whomever it will be I'm writing with) To be involved in this would be an honor! ^^