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Songs: proclamation & redeem

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 6:34 pm
by Gleph
Here's some songs i just came up with over the last day. All good stuff :)


i'm standing here, and waiting
for your holy love to rain down
i'm standing here, shouting out
your word which is my life

without you i'm nothing
without you i'm nothing
without you i'm nothing
so i'll proclaim your holy majesty

Shout to the heavens, shout to the earth
for you are the life, and i know this

My life is for you
My life is for you
My life is for you
So i'll shout it to the world


I'm standing here, and waiting
for your voice to enter me
I'm standing here, and waiting
for your love to shine down on me

I'm standing here, and waiting
For i know you are my life
I'm standing here, and waiting
For my life is for you and you ALONE


This life is grand, i have my purpose
Your love is with me, and i trust you always
You bless my greatly, and i follow you through.
But i have just one question to ask, why for me?

I cry and cry at times, O Lord
Waiting for your love to descend
I cry and cry at times, O Lord
But what i ask, is why for me?

Your love is an ocean
Your love is grand
Your love is for me and me alone

Why for me Lord, why for me?
I know you say this, but why for me?

I love you man, I love you man, I love you man, since before you were born


Why for me Lord, why for me?
I have wronged you many times, fallen short of your glory
I have done things that have made you weap,
Yet still you say you love me?

I love you man, I love you man, I love you man, since before you were born


I'm reminded of Dave, and so said he:
"When i consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are
mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"
I wonder this always
I cherish your answer
But why for me Lord, why for me?

Be remindful of this, O my Child. That i have created the heavens and the earth
My love knows no ends, i created you for a purpose, and your life is here for me
Your ancestors once questioned me of the same things
I cannot tell the answer, for your ways are not mine, and you must know for yourself


I am happy, O Lord, you have provided this answer, i look to the sky's and smile with glee
"neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons
i say, separate us from the love of you that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"
I proclaim it Lord and wish to know you more

[Chorus x2]

Your love is an ocean, i believe in you
Your love is grand, i believe in you
Your love is for me, and i believe in you
I believe in you, I believe in YOU

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 9:00 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
Looks good! ^_^ Got music to go with it?