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A one-shot manga idea...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:11 am
by Ichigo_89
This is what I've come up with so far. But I don't know what I should call it, where the story should continue, or what to name the girl. HELP!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:19 am
by Ichigo_89
Here's the second part because I didn't have space in the first post.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:33 pm
by Golden_Griff

Title: "The Messenger"

Storyline: Girl accidently gets a hold of some very confidential information. Because of what she knows, she's being chased by whoever the bad guys are. The information that she acquires could help or harm, it depends on who gets it.

Girl's Name: uh...???

Just off of the top of my head :stressed: Whatever you name the girl, I think it should match her personality. Check out some baby name websites.