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Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:42 am
by Sammy Boy
So, what are your plans over this period?

I will only be on holidays for the public holidays, and be at work the other days. This is usually a quieter period of the year in the office - a good time to get things done without having to take constant phone calls. :)

Apart from this, I would like to catch up on sleep and do some space art.

Oh, and of course, I'll be attending the Christmas Day service on the 25th. My daughter will be one of several babies being part of the infant dedication ceremony. (Theologically I am not convinced of its necessity, but am doing so for the sake of unity...)

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:46 am
by Xeno
I'll be working on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I work night shift, so on Christmas Day I'll get to spend a couple hours with family over at my aunts house. I'm off on New Years Eve and New Years Day, but I typically avoid going out on those days due to the crazies. I'll probably stay home and do a movie marathon or something.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:28 am
by Sammy Boy
Xeno wrote:I'll be working on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I work night shift, so on Christmas Day I'll get to spend a couple hours with family over at my aunts house. I'm off on New Years Eve and New Years Day, but I typically avoid going out on those days due to the crazies. I'll probably stay home and do a movie marathon or something.

What do you do for a living?

I'm in IT but not considered "essential services" so can have public holidays off.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:23 am
by rocklobster
For Christmas, we'll be at Maw-Maw's. After that, we're back home. If Syfy still plays their annual Twilight Zone marathon, I might watch part of it. I'd stay up, but I wouldn't be surprised if we still work on New Year's day.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:02 am
by Xeno
Sammy Boy wrote:
Xeno wrote:I'll be working on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I work night shift, so on Christmas Day I'll get to spend a couple hours with family over at my aunts house. I'm off on New Years Eve and New Years Day, but I typically avoid going out on those days due to the crazies. I'll probably stay home and do a movie marathon or something.

What do you do for a living?

I'm in IT but not considered "essential services" so can have public holidays off.

I'm a police dispatcher, and considered essential services. We bid to get off the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. This year I got the day before and of Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, and New Years Day off.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:14 pm
by Sammy Boy
Xeno wrote:
Sammy Boy wrote:
Xeno wrote:I'm a police dispatcher, and considered essential services. We bid to get off the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. This year I got the day before and of Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, and New Years Day off.

Well then that is essential services!

I also work for a law enforcement agency, but in the civilian branch and will only get called back if the system goes down (which thankfully, hardly happens - at least for the particular system I support, thanks to our internal hardware / server admin guys).

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:46 pm
by LupoRedgrave
Spending time at my grandparents and relatives.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:08 pm
by Sammy Boy
LupoRedgrave wrote:Spending time at my grandparents and relatives.

Is it close by or a fair way? My in-laws are around 15 minutes drive from where we live, so my parents as well as myself and my family will be there.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:37 pm
by Ally-Ann
My family and I will be having a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles over the day after Christmas. I'm relishing my vacation, and after New Year's, no more public school; I'll be doing online-school, and will probably have more time to spare than I did when I went to one of the district's high schools. Ever since school began last September, I've not had a spare moment longer than hour. I don't think any of you can even fathom how ecstatic I am now that I have nearly two weeks off.

My mom and I have also started on our baking. We started making buckeyes earlier, and tomorrow we'll finish them and start baking cookies, baking a pie, making fudge, and a bunch of other yummy holiday stuff. ^^ I love Christmas~!

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:25 am
by Furen
Family Christmas, Boxing day, and the 29th
Other Christmases 15 (So done already) and the 28th
New years on new years (of course) with some old friends at my old youth group.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:00 am
by Zeldafan2
Well, today my grandfather and my step grandmother are coming over to visit, and tomorrow my family will be spending a Christmas together. (My two older siblings are normally at collage, so its great to see them home for the holidays.)

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:56 am
by Vilo159
Spending Christmas at home with the family, then going up to Arizona the day after to see some family. Not saying there for New Year's, unfortunately.I'll probably stay home and marathon the LotR movies.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:54 am
by Sheenar
Had family Christmas get-together on Sat. (22nd), so that's over. It was good to see everyone. I got to hold my 2 month old second cousin. :)

Nothing planned for today (Christmas Eve) other than going to service or tomorrow (Christmas Day). Probably will be home resting.

New Year's Eve, I'm going to a party with friends from my Sunday School class at a friend's house. Fireworks, bonfire --probably good food as well. Laughs and fun are pretty much guaranteed. :)

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:49 pm
by Tigerchu
For Christmas we went over to my Auntie Barbara's house, as usual. Then for Christmas Eve we stayed home and had a private night and day. We went to an early mass at my mom's church. Not too pleasant, but it made my mom happy. I feel like a heathen saying that. I should enjoy it more. I used to. (I am Chrisitan for the record.)
For New Years Eve we're staying home and spending the night together. We made a New Years Ham complete with Marachino Cherries. Oh Marachino Cherries, how I love you^^
Our cat's doing well, too.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:37 pm
by Sheenar
Wound up not getting a ride to the New Year's Eve party --so I am spending the evening quietly. Did some reading. Made cookies. Now doing some chatting with friends while I wait for midnight. :)

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:50 pm
For Christmas I was with the fam as we did the usual stuff and later on saw Les Mis.

For New Year's we ate some crackers, summer sausage, cheese; drank white grape juice; and watched Pretty Little Liars.
This is was probably one of the most productive New Year's ever.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:16 am
by Warrior4Christ
I was with a bunch of 12 or 13 others who stayed at someone's house and watched IHOP OneThing 2012 conference live streaming. Having it live and living in Australia means the day starts at 1:30am and finishes at 3pm-ish. (Went to bed about 9pm still..) So that was fun living in a different time zone for a few days. It was actually a worthwhile finish to the year too - glad I did it. Then the sleep schedule went horrendous when I worked on the 31st (got up at 7:30am), and then got to bed on New Year's at 5am (went to a house party with yabby racing and fireworks down the street)... Still trying to adjust back to normal.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:09 am
by Vilo159
Went to an old friend's for New Year's, where we watched Brave, drank sparkling cider, had Nerf battles, and played Rock Band all night. A very fun time overall.

Re: Plans over Christmas and New Year

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:23 am
by SierraLea
I got to celebrate New Year's with friends instead of family for the first time this year. Two of my girlfriends asked me to go bowling with them, and I had a lot of fun. THe only bad part was that I was super sore the next day!